(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 22:26

So the funeral and everything sucked.
The wakes weren't bad at all, because wakes are never even close to the hardest part.
Seeing everyone and being with them was really nice
And while we went back to the house I even got to hangout with Bobby for a little bit, which is always nice.
When I went out to dinner with my uncle, his girlfriend, my dad, and sister. I was just like cutting my food without thinking because I wasn't hungry at all, and my uncle just turns to my dad and is like "Kenny I didn't know your kids had autism" and it was so funny
The funeral was hard of course because it's like the absolute final time you'll see them, and they say things like "she taught us how to die" and stuff that just makes you wanna cry hysterically but you have to maintain composure somewhat. There were a bunch of typos in the church follow-along thing that made me laugh when I was crying really hard, haha it was like "the angels fell down on their faces" when it was suppose to be on their knees.
Paster Kern dominated like always, I'm not really religous but I love that man, he's 91 years old and THE man. I'm convinced he's never going to die.
One of my astranged for the passed 3 year's cousins came. It wasn't really awkward at all because things are still as they were, we still talk about how when I was little and always sick and I'd just be like casually barfing all over my grandma's house. haha. She brought her boyfriend with her, he's deffinetly scared shitless of me. They'd be having a serious conversation and I'd walk in and it'd turn into bathroom humor nonsense like always. because I'm the asshole of the family.
As Gene was leaving she was like "Bye Scott, thanks for the crabs" and I was like "eww" and everyone heard me and we all just started laughing and it was so funny haha

So I guess things went fairly well, I'm kind of used to this whole thing but it was so hard because my grandma was suffering and would pray everynight for God to take her, she was very religious, and I don't know it made me wonder why he'd make her so sick, especially emphesyma where she lost what she loved most first, singing. And then why he wouldn't "take her", when all she wanted more than anything was to go and be with my grandpa. She said she wasn't afraid of dying, it was living longer she was afraid of. I don't know I can't really go into allthat religious stuff because I have no idea what any of my opinions are. But I miss her a lot, I mean when you're little you're grandparents are easily your favorite people and you think they'll be around forever..and she was my last, and some of the best time of my life were spent on Bly Road and Eisenhower Park. But as horrible as it is and as much as she'll be missed, it was for the best.
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