(no subject)

Nov 10, 2004 10:09

Today is the beginning and yet another emotional rut. I woke up this morning and everything was okay. Then I began to think. I regret things I’ve said and I regret things that I’ve done I’ll regret this too I’m sure. I put on my morning music that helped a bit. I finished reading my book yesterday. Wow is the only words that come to mind to describe it. Perhaps it brought on this emotion. In fact I am sure it did. It made me evaluate myself. So now I am questioning everything. I really do not have time to write this. I should be making a PowerPoint in Spanish but I zoned out when he was explaining what we are to do. Therefore I have no idea what the assignment is. I really should learn to control that. On the bus I was yet again thinking trying to make sense of all this when I noticed I was crying. Luckily I regained composure before we got to school because Holly doesn’t cry. Holly is always happy. Holly doesn’t have bad days she fixes everyone else’s. Hmm. Speaking of I should lighten this up a bit. Tomorrow I have yet another doctors appointment. Ha, this will be the first time Dr. Allen will see me looking decent. All the other times I was in so much pain that I didn’t wear make-up, didn’t do my hair, and wore big baggy clothes. This time thanks to my wonderful Plaquenil and Prednisone I am not in pain. No school tomorrow. Thank goodness it’s a B-day. B-days tend to bore me. But never the less I have to wake up early so I can make Dr. Allen brownies. I am bribing him. I need him to write me a letter to give the school so that I become a “case 504” basically meaning I don’t need PE to graduate. Now because of band I only would need ½ credit but um FUCK THAT. This weekend was supposed to be the weekend I go visit my sister but mom is being a cunt. “Its supposed to be rainy.” Whatever. Its odd how much I used to hate my sister and after she left she is the only one I really trust anymore. Well looks like time is up here. Ill make a more interesting entry when I get home from school. Maybe

Do the Rock-Away,
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