Jun 10, 2004 15:49
HAHA Christina Aguliera dirty or regular dirty??
man Cranberry mango juice is AWESOME...So lets see...what exciting things have happened in my life since the last time i have written...well my cousin kicked my ass yet again on tuesday...ripped and stretched my shirt...the one jeremy bought me...so i cryed....pretty sad that i was getting bullied by a 7 year old...o-well...so yesterday went to Jeremys house...hung for a bit...came home...DAMN US AND OUR NO FORE THOUGHT!!...o-well there will be other days...So today...i woke up at 7:25am because i had the craziest charlie horse...and man when you are in pain and your half asleep things get kinda trippy....so finally i fell back asleep and woke up pain-free! at 2pm... YAY!...since then i have eatin a bowl of cereal and done a load of laundry...damn im productive...after im done with this i suppose ill go shower and get dressed...im goin to the mall!!! woooo...ya but im spending my own money...so thats not so fun...i cant wait till my mom gets settled in at her job and gets everyting paid off...i hate this whole being poor thing...fuckin mom...she isnt my favorite person right now...her 1st offense she gave $450 to that lil faggot tony so he could pay off traffic tickets...that he didnt even have...2nd offense yesterday on the way to Jeremys house she informed me that she may be pregnant...GOOD JOB MOM!!!...even though its gunna kill you...because u have a bad heart and the doctor even told u so...but there is still a chance that she may not be so we will hoep for that...because sadly enough if she is then im leaving and thats horrible considering it will kill her...but whatever...i need more juice...who loves me??