
Feb 25, 2009 07:43

At least it wasn't a dream about trying to flee something.

Part of the landscape was downtown Victoria but also something overseas. As I was walking along Yates towards Blandshard/something else I saw people running toward something and felt the sense of panic. I joined the people running just in time to see 3 people hurling themselves off a tower (and I'm assuming they died). I violently turned away and huddled into a bench.


"To see someone commit suicide in you dream, highlights your concerns for that person. Also consider what characteristics and qualities in that person you may be trying to "kill" and annihilate in your own self. Perhaps you hope that you are not like that person in some way and are making attempts to get rid of those traits within your own self."

I still don't know how this fits ...


An agreement, commitment, or promise can represent:

* A commitment, or feeling committed toward something or someone
* A specific agreement in your life, or a feeling of agreeability
* Peace
* A solution to a problem or discord
* Trustworthiness, or questioning whether someone is trustworthy

See also: breaking an agreement decision (by someone else) decision (yours) joining untrustworthy signature engagement trust chemistry mixing obedience negotiating landlord borrowing Category: Events

* Making great or sudden progress
* Taking a risk, especially when the jump from one place to another in the dream is a risky one

See also: jumping off you falling diving Category: Events Activities
number A specific number can be significant itself (1 can represent championship or being alone). Dreaming about numbers can also mean that your logical mind is working hard, perhaps trying to understand or solve a challenge in your life. Numbers in dreams can have other meanings, depending on context and the particular dream. Consider any personal meaning the number might have, as well as how the number made you feel during the dream. See also the particular number you dreamed about.
suicide Feelings of frustration or wanting to escape from something in real life. (Remember that emotions in dreams are often overstated, and often overly-dramatically). See also: shooting being shot weapon or ammunition jumping off death of you hurting yourself Category: Events
three Balanced or solid, as in a tripod. A well-balanced life. Holiness or Spirit. See also: tripod second place

* Isolation
* Limitation, restraint, inhibition, imprisonment
* Arrogance
* Power, perceived power, or a wish for power
* Having a "high" perspective
* Watching, observing, or vigilance (as in a tower lookout)

See also: high
unknown person

A person you don't know can represent many things, such as:

* A real person you actually know, or a particular person's role in your life
* A characteristic or general type of person
* A type of person you'd like (or wouldn't like) to know
* A general threat or fear (not a person)
* A problem, challenge, issue, to-do list item, etc.
* A religious figure or helper

For clues about what the person represents, consider their characteristics, what they're doing and how, what stands out about them, and your emotional reaction to their presence.
See also: man woman girl boy person you know shadow character alien unknown thing new (unknown) Category: People"


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