Sep 15, 2005 19:20
Geez...I found out that UNITAR dont use much in Malay,all subject is in English.UNITAR belong to UMNO...hmm..dont they suppose to use more in Malay,weird tho.
I have my english presentation yesterday,its a group type and my first presentation in UNITAR.My group member,Norbinshah a weird guy,my first impression his a little bit CC(know what I mean?),Chester the guy who told us about the ugliest side of KFC,Lydia a sweet girl I met,she's nice,then Suzy a cousin of Adam AF3,and Sherlina a Gen2 owner,her car is cool!
We received the presentation title last week and kononnya we want to discuss it lar,but end up with the absent of the group we decide to meet up at the state library..and again another person is absent..hah..hah..ha..and that person is me!In the end,we discuss it last minute,30min before class start hah..ha..ha...well the presentation went smoothly and I think we are the best presentors among the other three groups hah...hah...hah...because we got the easiest title hah..hah..hah...PRESENT TENSE..LOL!
Today is the day to interview by the PTPTN peoples from KL.Kinda nervous in the first,but ceh!they just check all the documents without any question and thats all,I'm accepted.Hah...hah...hah..thats live...