Sep 24, 2004 17:19
So... yesterday when I came home from the store, a little kid in my neighborhood rode up to my mom on his bike and said, "Your cat is alive." My mom was like, "what?" and the kid was like, "yeah, we saw him run off so we know he is alive." My mom asked him why our cat wouldn't be alive, and he didn't answer. It just makes me nervous because I totally do not trust the people in our neighborhood. Why would some little shithead kid just randomly say that? I wonder if they were terrorizing my cat. That fucking pisses me off. If I see that little kid again, I'm going to ask him what he meant by "alive" and again ask him why my cat would not be alive. So strange.
So we are going to be moving soon. Not to another city, just to another house where it is a better neighborhood and we don't have to pay this much in rent. We pay a LOT.... and nothing works in our house. Our garage door broke, our fireplace doesn't work, we get hard water stains when we wash dishes no matter how many times we re-clean them, and most of our power outlets are dead sources. It's retarded.
But yeah, okay. This rant is over.