I'm not really drunk, i just like the picture for it.

May 19, 2004 17:46

I can't stand psychology.

How can you know how some one is feeling? How can you say someone needs profesional help, when people are usually in denile anyway, and will get angrier? How can you tell a person how they feel?

It just doesn't make sense to me. The mind of the human works in different ways for everyone...not everyone thinks the same way, has the same reactions to everything, means: "I'm unhappy, don't talk to me" when they're slouching down, means: "I'm sad" when they cry. You just can't explain stuff the human heart/mind does or decides. We're so complex.

I mean, when a person is claimed: "insane", they aren't "sane", therefore don't think the way "normal, sane" people do. So what is normal, or sane? How can you define that? A civilized person, perhaps? No. Everyone has their own secrets, their owns inner moods, their own personality they may be cloaking...you just can't dig that deep into people.

Sure, you can read people, get an idea from body language, but I mean really dig deep inside and know why, what, who.

My counsler wants me to go to a psychologist because I won't cut my hair. What the fuck? He thinks it is a subconcious indicator bla bla bla bla...He's fucking nuts.

Anyway, how is everyone?
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