I think the television's broken because that can't be right...

Nov 03, 2004 07:59

Pending the vote count in Ohio, the American people, by some massive cluster fuck of a misjudgement, somehow voted for Bush. After the economy went to shit, after jobs got sent overseas, after health care went down the shitter, after all that, we still put the man that was in charge of all this stuff back in the White House. Oh wait, I forgot one thing. HE PUT US IN A WAR THAT WE HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING IN. I'm glad that around 58 million Americans believe in a war with no purpose other than oil or maybe even just because we can. We took our eye off Osama and went for Sadaam, and now Osama releasing tapes saying that he's got a new plan, and he's not gonna stop until he bankrupts America. Oops. Anyways, to sum this up, we, the American people, have let ourselves down at this point. We decided to follow four horrible years with another four horrible years. I'm gonna stop typing. Just thinking about the re-elected makes me throw up.
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