Feb 28, 2011 18:24
ahhhh, nothing feels better than the last day of february.
the two brrrrr'iest, dreary, and chilliest months of the year are OVERRRR!!
and lucky for me, i've accomplished a few major things this winter:
1) had my first job outside of the restaurant industry and i've learned that office jobs SUCK BALLS. and here i thought i disliked waiting hand and foot to people who think that something wrong with their dinner might be the end of the world. "2012 if those fries don't get out here RIGHT NOW!!" F*@%in-A, doods. "Smile big and be cheery, we might just tip ya 20%!" Well, gosh, gee swell, ughhhh, i couldn't wait to be out... but now, on the flip side of things, i've learned that working for the man in an office means that 2012 does, in fact, have a very high likelihood of occurring for any small thing that might go wrong at dinner. This is due to the simple science that any standard human brain will be about to explode, over even the most minute thing that goes wrong, after being forced to sit in a mind-numbing cell for the majority of every week, with a number stamped on your forehead, answering to none other than a bunch of profit hungry morons dressed in fancy business suits. yes, indeed, i don't have to bring you an extra side of ranch dressing, but instead, i sit in a cubicle for 9 hours a day, look at nothing but my computer and phone endlessly ringing, wanting to stab my eyes out, while being barked at, "you've made the company 6 digits worth of profit last month, but let's bring that up, okay? SELL MORE!!!! Oh yeah, and here's your minimum wage paycheck, minus the 25% the government is taking for taxes, of course! TEEHEE, have a great day!" But, but, b-b-b-b-utttt... "Employee number #68,140, while we DO value you as a worker, we also firmly believe that $9/hr is a fair price for your SOULLLL." Hooboy, overpriced college degrees sure are worth all this! i keep telling that to my school loan people, but they just don't get the joke. HAH. needless to say, i'm searching for a bartending job come april.
# 2 and 3 of things that i've learned this winter: skiing and snowboarding. while i will probably remain a "boarder" for the rest of my life, growing up doing neither, i am quite content with the fact that i have now gone down the black diamond slopes of colorado on both skis and a snowboard. snowboarding has proven to win my heart in triumph, but hey, two planking it was fun for a little while too. never thought i'd be one of those crazy winter people who want to be outside in below freezing temps riding down mountains, but now, after months of living in blizzard conditions in the high rockies, i want it to snow just as much as the next ski bum, and i'm spending all my free time riding on the mountain. if only i could make a lifestyle work where i could be close to mountains in winter and ocean in summer, i would be set. pacific northwest - i may be returning to you in good time.
so, what else --- trying to find a gig for the summer. correction, rephrase --- trying to find a Service Industry gig for the summer! yes, back to apron wearing waiting tables, or sassing drunk people from behind the bar while mixing more drinks for them -- I Cannot Wait!! shorter hours, better pay, and no more cubicle. total win-win for me on that one. now i just need to find a good location for this. thinking alaska, jackson hole,wyoming, boulder,CO, or fuck, idk, philly, maybe? still not sure if i'm ready for a return to the east coast yet...
we'll see what happens.
also, fingers still crossed for the teaching position in spain for next school year. again... we'll see what happens. :)
lastly, brothers coming out next week and free broken social scene concert the week after that. march is looking to be a good month.
talk to ya next year, february.
cheers and hearts,