as urban dwellers occasionally do, joe and i are both experiencing the phenomenon known as "must get the fuck out of the city, NOW!" he said today that he was thinking about renting a car for the weekend, and did i want to go to faire with him and possibly steve 'n shauna? hooray! i'm going to faire! :D i was just thinking today that i really hoped some weekend plans would materialize. and i really didn't want to wait until september, when
jbbridge and i had had vague plans of me using him for his vehicle and dragging him up to faire. top priority: go to silverlady and buy a new ring to replace my engagement ring. my left ring finger feels very naked and i must remedy that. this will be my birthday present to myself. (iow, no, of COURSE i can't afford one of those rings! the one i was jonesing for last year cost $85!)
amaltheagray, i will say hello to gothy mcgoth for you if he shows up. :)
that "who on lj has a crush on you" meme won't load for me, so i have no way of knowing which of you people (tm) have a crush on me. the horror, the horror...
very productive day at work today. things are feeling a little more manageable.