Dec 03, 2004 22:02

Why are boys so fucking gay?! I try to go OUT on a mother fucking limb and talk to him and be cool with him or whatever. . .and it just doesnt work. Apparently its not me, i know its not but WHATS THE PROBLEM. There isnt one my god why cant he just get over himself? jesus motherfucking christ none of it makes sense...none of it. I knoww u all LOVE hearing me rant but i really dont deserve this..its fucking BULLSHIT AND A HALF AND I CANT COMPREHEND WHY PEOPLE SUCK. Then we have some motherfuckers IN the relationships...who forget about their friends and just dont care..yea FUCK YOU..We'll see how im gona be there for u when the love of ur life is gone...grr...its not hard to maintain friends and a boyfriend/girlfriend... i hate when ppl are selfish. its cool though really... i just pitty them.

wow so this little cough of mine just will not go the fuck away.

School is stupid...and i hate it and never wanna go back.

I think that I really like him, but he doesnt care...and dont let my angry ranting fool you...I LOVE THAT.

Im excited for the party next weekend, im gonna get fucking smashed.

I hope that this cough goes away.

Karla is coming over...

I miss alissa and danielle

My Neigbor just had a really pretty baby...but named her 'Harbor Paris'..(shh i kindof like it)

I want a dog.

I love my friends
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