A repost is a repost repost.

Sep 17, 2007 22:57

I was thinking about this old entry of mine today. Decided to try and find it. It's truly epic.

Lexi (hockey_girl_01) wrote,
@ 2006-05-13 23:03:00

So yesterday... I went into Kmart to talk to my bosses. I wasn't in the best of moods. I was just at that point where my smile was beginning to fade. So i talked to them about getting tuesday off, then i went to get some Coke. Of course, it was sold out. So i decided i would go to Kroger next door to redeem my '5 free 2-liters of any coke product' coupon. I had to get grandma some pirouette cookies for mothers day anyway.

I walked in, found the pop aisle, and began loading up my cart. Just then, the biggest black man i have ever seen in my life starts heading down the other end of the aisle. I see he's wearing a coca-cola shirt and pushing a cart of coke, and realise he's going to need to go to the spot i am standing. I begin to back up, but realize it'd be easeir just to pass him because the cookies i need are at that side of the store. As soon as i get close he looks at me, and quite scarily says,

"You KNOW there's a limit, right?"

"Uhh.. but i'm only getting 5.."

My confusion an the situation is very evident.

"Well, you can only get FOUR."

I look down at the bottles in my cart, then to my coupon. I decided to hold my ground.

"But, i have.. a coupon," I say as i unfold the paper. " It says i can get 5 free."

He doesn't even look at it. He just continues trying not to break eye contact.


"No it's not.. it says right here, August 31."

"Are you calling ME a LIAR?"

Okay.. now i don't know what to do.. but i know one thing.. I'm not giving up my coke. Not for anything. I try to end this so i can find out when i get to the register.

"No, i'm just saying there's no limit and it's not expired."

I could see the fire in his eyes as he began to fume.


I look around a little bit. I can see a woman at the other end of the aisle, looking a little scared at the volume of his voice. There's a man behind me stocking up on Vernors.

At this point, i was terrified. I even thought of putting one bottle back and leavin quickly. But something in my constitution wouldn't let me do it. Something made me want to fight back. With a man over 3 times my size. And as soon as my mouth opened, i could imagine him crushing my skull with one fist. But i spoke anyways..

"Yes," I said calmly, "I guess i am calling you a liar."

I felt like i was out west, in a duel or something. I could feel the bystanders starting to panic, wanting to dive into the nearest house (or shelf) for cover.

He stared me down for a few seconds, but i decided, if i was going to die, i was gonna die like a hero. I was going to go down fighting. And yes, i was ready to die for my coca-cola. Not for the tasty beverage, but more for the principle that he told me i couldn't have something i knew damn well that i could have.

He just kept staring.. but I didn't break concentraion. He stopped for a second, a huge smile crept over his face and he started laughing. Of course this confused the shit out of me, which i guess he could see on my face because he said, "You are one tough little shit. Most people don't stand up to me like that. They just put it back and run away." So i laugh and my heart has time to stop and breathe for a second. He high-fives me and we continue to talk about MyCokeRewards and Coke Blak and other stuff.

This insane encounter, which nearly gave me a heart-attack, brought a smile to my face and gave me a wonderful story to tell for the rest of the day.

P.S. In retrospect, I'm one crazy mother fucker.


This story may be more epic than my Valentines Day adventures this year. :p
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