
Mar 20, 2011 23:47

It had been a few days since Quick had spoken with Crash. A few days he'd spent trying to get out of a crazy box puzzle thing, and now he was making a panicked dash to the Wilybot house, where he hoped the other bot would be. He was in such a rush that he ran into about a dozen trees and tripped even more, but he eventually made it, slamming the door shut behind him and leaning against it. If he wasn't in panic mode at the moment, he'd probably fall over from exhaustion, which is why his next move is to scrounge around for an E-tank. He couldn't afford to let his guard drop now, not after finally escaping. Then he'd check if Crash was actually home, if all the commotion hadn't alerted him to Quick's presence already.

need a e-tank, at his limit, fff trees, paranoia, trauma drama, crash, running

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