[text - mess of locks]

Mar 05, 2011 06:55

[locked from Crash]

Anyone out there want to spar? I'm hoping for a sword fight, but I'm not picky. [/lock]

[locked to Shadow]

Hey ninja, do you have a moment? I need you to come look at some traps and their placement. And some new traps to see if they're any good. Um, why don't just do an overall defense check and cover all the bases. [/lock]

[locked to Metal]

I've got a new work rotation schedule ready. Based on which digimon work best together, at what time of the day they're most productive, and what they excel at, it should speed up construction by ten percent.

[attached: work schedule]


[locked to Elec]

Elec, we're finding you a girlfriend. As much as I love messing with you, it's gone on long enough. [/lock]

[locked to Sandy]

Hey kid, what have you been up to? Feels like forever since we've talked or defaced anything. [/lock]

[locked to Flash]

Looks like that party isn't happening, so I guess you get off the hook. Things just aren't what they used to be. Want to hang out instead? We could go looking for things to photograph or whatever you want. [/lock]

[Edited after talking with Metal - locked to Crash]

Crash, I've got a job for you if you want it. [/lock]

party, sandy, painting, doing my job, shadow man, elec, yay distractions, sparring, multitasking, skull fortress, friends, need advice, shenanigans!, flash, hanging out, metal

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