
Mar 24, 2011 00:00


NAME: Eppy
AGE: 21.
JOURNAL: old blueeyes
IM: you guys got dis.
E-MAIL: and dis.
RETURNING: yusuke, tyler, heine and nyota.


FANDOM: Ultimate!Marvel
CHRONOLOGY: Immediately after issue 11 of Ultimate Spider-Man
CLASS: Hero aw yis.
ALTER EGO: Johnny Storm!

Johnny was the youngest child of Franklin Storm, a brilliant scientist. However, unlike his older sister Susan, Johnny was not extraordinarily gifted in the science arena. He went to public high school, and remained stubbornly impervious to the knowledge he could have been attaining. Despite his father’s pushing him to achieve a higher potential, Johnny had a vested interest in remaining normal.

And he would have, if he hadn’t attended the first testing of Reed Richard’s teleportaional device in the Nevada desert. The test went horribly wrong; the resulting blast teleported Johnny to France. He was found by civilians, and immediately rushed to a hospital. When he awoke, he accidentally burst into flame, but found himself unharmed.

The Army showed up to escort him back to the Baxter Building. And yep, Johnny kept bursting into flame. He learned to control this new power by using the terms “flame on” and “flame off,” which drastically cut down on the accidental combustions. He only discovered he could fly on accident, after burning through a window and falling forward out of the building. His flames propelled him through the air, much to Johnny’s delight.

Among the Four, Johnny was the only one who absolutely loved his new powers. He had plans of joining the Ultimates, a superhero team, and becoming a celebrity. However, Johnny’s father insisted that Johnny finish school, and enrolled him in Midtown High School in Queens, where Johnny met and befriended Peter Parker, Liz Allen, and Mary Jane Watson. He was supposed to be keeping low profile, but Johnny accidentally flamed on at a beach bonfire. He contacted Liz Allen to meet him in an attempt to explain, but Spider-Man showed up instead. They talked, teamed up to save people from a burning building, and laid the foundation for what would be an epic friendship.

And more importantly, Spider-Man’s belief that there was much good to be done with the powers they had inspired Johnny. Peter was the first person with whom Johnny shared the codename he would use when the team actually went public. Johnny would call himself the Human Torch, and the team went public a short while later, when they crashed a jet on the Sunset Strip in Vegas while battling aliens named the Nihil.

What followed were a series of adventures, much like the ones experienced by their 616 counterparts. The Four banded together into a team, faced off against aliens, Doom-bots, and the like. And then Ultimatum happened, and everything came crashing down around their ears.

The Ultimatum arch began with Johnny, arguing with his father over Johnny’s party boy lifestyle. Franklin insisted that Johnny had more potential than he gave himself credit for, and that Johnny needed to slow down and focus on it. Johnny, in turn, refused to change, refused to be more like his sister, and told his father to butt out of his life. And it was at that exact moment that the tidal wave hit New York and the Baxter Building, sweeping Johnny and Franklin away in the currents. Johnny attempted to grab hold of his father and pull him to safety, but Franklin himself shoved Johnny away, saving Johnny’s life at the cost of his own.

When the tides of the flood ebbed, Johnny regained consciousness in the wreckage of Time’s Square. He flew to the Statue of Liberty, cursing himself for not being able to save his father. Unfortunately, it was only seconds later that he was captured by the demon Dormammu, who locked Johnny into a pendant and intended to use Johnny’s fire to escape the constricts of this reality. Sue and Ben saved Johnny, and defeated Dormammu in a stellar display of team work.

They returned home in time to attend their father’s funeral. Johnny was an utter wreck, consumed with guilt over the last argument he had with him. After the funeral, the Four disbanded, and Johnny travelled to Europe, where he stayed six months before turning up on Peter Parker’s doorstep and passing out. He now lives there permanently, posing as Peter’s cousin along with Bobby Drake and Gwen Stacey.


Johnny is the youngest member of the Fantastic Four, and this often defines him. He lacks the patience and finesse his older teammates have, more often than not preferring to act first talk later, even going so far as to inform a villain, “Hey, he wants to talk to you, I just want to light you on fire.” Johnny is all about actions, about doing, doing, doing, and doing it fast. He’s always got to be entertained, whether that means drag-racing, rebuilding old cars, or going out to a party.

He’s hotheaded. It doesn’t take much to get Johnny to fly off the handle, and there have been many, many times in canon in which Johnny’s temper gets the better of him, especially when a threat to his family is involved. Honestly, the fastest way to get him to lose his cool is to threaten Sue, in which case Johnny will lay waste to anything in his way until he's certain his sister is safe.

Being a superhero and a part of the Fantastic Four means he gets lots of attention, and that suits Johnny just fine. He revels in it, and he’s the only member of the Four who truly does enjoy the spotlight. Johnny loves his celebrity status, and everything that comes with it.
Often, he’s painted as the least intelligent of the Four, and he rarely attempts to contradict that, but really, it’s not true. Johnny never showed the same aptitude for science or love of the field as Susan did, but that wasn’t because he’s not smart, it’s because science bored him. He made the conscious decision not to take that particular path. Johnny’s expertise lies in mechanics. He excelled in physics and math-related courses in school, and he was taking apart and reconstructing engines when he was just a kid and he helped design and build the Fantasti-car. Johnny’s just as smart as his sister and teammates, just in different ways.

A thing about Johnny: He’s got an extremely high degree of control over his powers. Less so than his 616 counterpart, still, he's had a shockingly low number of slip ups and accidental combustions once he figured out how to control his flames.

Women are a Thing with Johnny. Johnny dates like a pro, has no shortage of very pretty ladies clamoring to be on his arm, but when Johnny gets attached, he gets attached. Johnny will fall like a ton of bricks, and despite the fact that he does womanize, to a degree, once he’s made the conscious decision to be with a woman, he’s with her, for better or for worse.

Also, Johnny is the most persistent, incorrigible guy around. When he decides he wants something, he absolutely gets it. He buckles down and pursues that particular thing, be it a woman or a car or fame or what-have-you, until he gets it.

There is absolutely no brain to mouth filter with Johnny. He loves to talk, and usually says exactly what he’s thinking with little to no concern as to how what he’s saying will be received. He’s bluntly honest, and completely unapologetic about it. He’s also in possession of a very quick wit, and most often picks the funny joke over the more diplomatic response…which is why he is not the spokesperson for the Four.

Basically, Johnny can light himself on fire. This is the most detailed description ever amiright.


So you guys needed a hero? Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Johnny Storm, Human Torch, at your service. Now, point me at whatever is it you need set on fire, melted, or drop-kicked into the next galaxy, and we’ll be in business. What’s your problem, City, aliens, Doom-bots, you name it, and I’ll handle it. Probably in record time and in style.

And then you’ll send me home. Right? Right?

[ Pauuuuuse while he waits for an answer. ]

Because I mean, come on, you can’t keep me here. I’ve got so much going for me back home. I mean, I’ve got the whole being normal thing, civilian life, not to mention all the ladies that will be absolutely heartbroken if I vanish from their lives without a trace.

Do you want that on your conscience, mysterious machine lady? Do you?

Basically, Johnny wasn’t all about making the good calls. Or rather, he made calls that seemed good at the time, but probably weren’t the best thing for him in the long run. He had about a fifty-fifty percentage going for him (Susan said it was fifty-fifty. Johnny himself insisted it was more eighty-twenty, because seriously, he makes some awesome decisions Sue, come on) of bad decisions versus good decisions.

Europe…yeah, that might have been a bad decision. Or maybe not. The jury was still out on it, as far as Johnny was concerned. It had felt like a good call at the time. The need to not be here had been absolutely overpowering, and Johnny had just…gone away. He didn’t exactly remember his thought process on why he’d chosen that specific destination, but it was an ocean away and completely unfamiliar. It had been enough.

Deciding to come back though, yeah, that was a good call. Even if making it had sucked. Really sucked. Beyond what Johnny had expected.

But he’d got on the plane anyway. And when it touched tarmac, he realized that he had no idea where he was supposed to go from there. Going back to the Baxter Building, it still wasn’t an option. His whole body just froze up-literally froze up, his temperature had done a nosedive-at the very thought of walking back through those doors.

He’d walked through the city for a long time, putting off making the call. Where to go, where to stay, who to ask. He thought about calling Sue for a long time, stood at a payphone until the people behind him started banging on the glass, and he abandoned the idea entirely. He wasn’t ready. He didn’t know what to say.

To this day, he’s got no idea when the idea of going to Peter’s house presented itself. He just showed up on their doorstep, the strap of his duffle bag cutting into his shoulder and his feet aching from all the walking.

And then he’d woken up on their couch.

“I can’t go back to the Baxter Building,” he’d said, and Aunt May had looked at him over the rim of her tea cup with something like consideration on her face.

Please let me stay here.

And alright, he isn’t such a fan of the new hair, and maybe being normal is kind of boring but in retrospect, yeah. This was a good call.

sup bbs. i finished this app in two days that’s pretty unheard of for me i cannot even. also hi.

ooc: application

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