Mar 14, 2005 14:07
reasons I miss highschool
1) all the places you needed to go were in one building
2) didn't mind really anyone in my school therefore had the chance to see a mixture of people
3) cutting class and leaving in a car; not by foot.
4) my challenges of democracy class and ms. hanusi.
5) seeing all my brothers
6) study hall
7) junior and senior yr of gym; so fucking fun
8) our school dances for some odd reason were waaayyyy too much fun
9) prom weekend
10) hanging out in the nurse's office, stealing food from the teacher's lounge, making a complete mess in science class, roller blading around the school hallways and getting detention...oh man oh man.
11) leaving school with Loya, Gina, or anyone for that matter to go to bernards high and other places.
reasons I don't miss highschool
1) detention, I had 34 that I never went to by the end of my freshman year. Ended up spending one day in school suspension with my brother. ha
2) getting kicked out of school for standing up for what I believed in. That sucked too.
3) GETTING UP AT 7am for fucking classes. STUPID.
4) Scott Parker.
5) hallway passes-such a bitch idea
6) getting dention for roller blading in the hallways. Lia and I thought it was a good idea, the faculty did not.
7) whatever that freak ass school psychologist's name was...she sucked.
8) Ms. Filak and english class
SO why did I mention this? simply because I spent approx. an hour in a warm tub @ Graham's by myself thinking, and I thought through a whole fuck of a lot. I need to move, and I'm nervous; a completely nervous ball. I'm not ready to not have friends, I'm not ready to not know where to go, I'm not ready for all that moving shit again. But I am ready for a new place, I am ready to make a nest for myself and to be closer to a few people I care a lot for.
This weekend was wonderful with Graham in the city. We bummed around, ate some delicious food and watched the first two Star Wars episodes, singing of the theme song included.
Yes that we are a nerdy couple.
I love it.
Mensas are great.
SO AFTER this great weekend I decided to try and make him realize how lucky he is having me in his life by proceeding to get violently ill in his bathroom and feeling like crap for the rest of Sunday night which was a mixture of medicine, red meat and nervousness. Bad mix, trust me. He took care of me and made me smile and that's all I need to feel better, he's helping me through this akward period and I couldn't be more thankful. He's perfect for me; we fit.
Lots of things are running through my head trust me but for some reason reflection on high school fit. And I guess that's cause I needed to go all the way back to fix what's happened up to now. I'm happy with where I am, and I'm just without an exact goal or anything to focus my sight on, a bit strange. I'm happy with love, happy with family, happy with friends...but it's aspects of the second two that I'm trying to figure out aka I need a new home and friends near my new home. Oh well. My rambling has gone on for way too long.
My back kills, I don't want to do this speech, and really I can't wait to go home and bum out on my couch with a hot pad.
Next week is spring break and that means I have absolutely nothing to do, no one to hang out with, except my dog.
So really, come visit or I'll visit you perhaps. Who knows. All I know is it's my brother's 24 on Wed. (holy shit that's so crazy), I thought about the fact that I'm 21 for too long on the car ride and it bugged me out for awhile till I realized I'm not 22, and I see my parents on Saturday. Plus, I have a Graham.
so there.