Kiss and Blow

May 26, 2008 01:17

Title: Kiss and Blow
Author: fastbetty31
Pairing: Chubby Gerard/Mikey
Rating: NC-17 for incest
POV: 3rd
Summary: Honestly, if you're afflicted with a little chub-rub, that's some shit you should keep to yourself, and deal with, or suffer with, all on your own.
Disclaimer: Not real. The chub-rub maybe is, but the rest - nope.
Dedications: For Sally, starxfighter. Title and "chub-rub" are ideas of hers.
Beta: madelinesimone.

"Fuck, Mikey, just blow on it!"

Mikey wasn't sure if the twenty dollars Gerard offered him included the abuse he was getting. And as he sat on his heels he thought of drawing back and renegotiating with his brother, thinking that him blowing and getting yelled at should be worth more than that. The fact that he was kneeling between his brother's spread legs, just Gerard's pants bunched around his ankles as he leaned back, giving Mikey the access he needed. Never did it occur to Mikey that his position period was a little brow raising and that normal brothers really didn't do those kinds of things for each other.

Honestly, if you're afflicted with a little chub-rub, that's some shit you should keep to yourself, and deal with, or suffer with, all on your own.

But with a twenty dollar bill crumpled in his hand, Mikey blew as hard as he could over his brother's rashly skin.

"Not hot blowing Mikey, cool! Like drink something cold and come back, fuck it burns so bad," Gerard was frustrated, the rawness and heat, the burning generating from the inside of his thighs was too much to bear.

All it took was a few miles of walking for Gerard's thighs to chafe. The inside of his jeans were so worn already that it was skin against skin, and with each stride he felt it all happening gradually. If he was out alone he would have easily jumped in a cab - jumped on a bus - the subway, any sort of transportation. But trying to impress his new friend, that he knew had a 'streak of lavender' in him, as Gerard told Mikey when he was peeling his jeans carefully away from his skin. He sacrificed his poor thighs for a chance of something, anything.

"Yell at me again and I'm outta here - and don't think you're getting your money back, I'm fuckin hyperventilating here! Light fuckin headed, man!" Mikey got up off his knees, and went into Gerard's bathroom.

Gerard raised his head, ready to apologize, ready to beg, "Where are you going? Come back, I'll give you another twenty."

Even though Mikey was going into the bathroom to get a cold towel to help out his brother he wasn't going to turn down another twenty.

"Alright, hang on. For that amount I'll give you some TLC," Mikey laughed and turned on the sink.

Gerard dropped his head back onto the bed, not amused at all.

When Mikey returned, dropping two small washcloths on the inside of both Gerard's thighs, they both swore they heard a hissing. Like a fire was being extinguished.

"Oh fuck, oh yeah, Mikey. That feels fuckin great, man. I'd give you a hundred dollars, dude, if you did that a few more times," and the pathetic part about it all was that Gerard was serious.

Mikey, with a new means for making money, figured if he did himself a great job that Gerard might be willing to part with more of his secret stash. And if not, he could make some quick cash every so often because the fact was - Gerard's thighs will forever rub against each other when he walks. Sadly, inwardly, Mikey was all for Gerard going on long walks - hell, he might never have to find a job, ever.

Time passed and as it did Gerard sacrificed more walking for a guy who turned out to already have a boyfriend, which only meant that Gerard had to try harder to hook him - step it up a notch. So there were a lot of outings, something Gerard was never used to before, but this guy... With his rockstar image and toned body... The unfortunate thing about that whole ridiculous ordeal was that the dude, that Gerard was so head over heels infatuated with, was like a jock. A fun runner. A fitness club member. Abnormal.

So Gerard would walk into his house, forcing himself to walk properly those last few steps down the walkway, knowing the dude was watching him as he dropped Gerard off. Gerard would walk through the door and immediately his demeanor changed, the smile on his face changed to irritation, lip curled and all. His face paled and his legs spread wide, and as if he had just demounted a horse he would hobble past his mother. His hand in the air to stop her from asking any questions. His finger pointing to the stairs trying to tell her with a simple gesture that he was going to his room.

"Hey John Wayne, how's it hanging?"

"Not funny - get over here and blow me."

"Alright, but I charge extra for that."

"Please Mikey, stop fucking around, you know what I mean. Cold towels, please. I'll take you out with me this weekend, introduce you to some college chicks. You'd like that, right?"

It was Gerard's turn to be blissfully ignorant. It hadn't occurred to him just how above and beyond his arrangement with his brother had become, he was literally desperate enough to pimp out his friends just so his brother would blow on him.

Feeling a little guilty he told the truth, "They might all be lesbians but I know that won't stop you from trying. Please, Mikey."

Gerard looked awful. The blotchy, raw skin that started from just under his balls and stretched down to just above his knees was enough to make Mikey gasp at the sight, "Jesus, Gerard. This shit looks really bad, man. You should probably let mom look at it."

Gerard raised his head off the bed, "I'm not letting mom near my dick. I'm fuckin twenty years old, for fuck's sake, Mikey. Just blow, please."

"I'll be right back," Mikey said, walking out of the room.

Gerard ran his fingers through his hair and sat up, thinking Mikey might be calling their mother, or maybe had just abandoned him. He started to fan himself, lifting and placing the washcloths on and off, trying to blow on himself, his neck bent awkwardly as he tried to get as close to his hurting thighs as he possibly could. And as he was about to give up, cry, and vow to never walk again unless he triple powdered himself up, Mikey came back into the room with a bowl of ice.

"Where did you go? I thought you weren't coming back," he wasn't even a tad bit ashamed at the amount of whining in his voice.

"Kitchen. I got some ice - lie back down, watch. You're gonna be feeling great after this," Mikey knelt back between Gerard's legs that were dangling over the edge of his bed, setting the bowl of ice on the floor beside himself.

"Oh fuck, Mikey. You're the best fuckin brother ever. I swear, one day I'm gonna repay you big time for all this," before Gerard had lain back down, he placed his hand on Mikey's shoulder giving him a heart to heart, "Thanks for not like, telling anyone about all this either. I'm really embarrassed about the whole thing," then he let himself fall back, "I don't know who the fuck I'm kidding thinking that dude will even give me the time of fuckin day. Maybe with any luck he likes fat dudes, maybe that's why he's still letting me hang around with him."

Upset with himself, disappointed because even if he could hook this dude that he liked so much, if he took his pants off in front of him the guy was sure to see the rashly and scabbing skin between his legs.

Gerard placed his arm over his face, covering his eyes as he felt hopeless.

It wasn't the cool of the ice cube that made Gerard flinch, that made his thighs automatically try to close. It wasn't the soft statement of Mikey saying, "You're not fat, Gee."

It was the initial kiss and blow from Mikey that had Gerard up on one elbow staring down at his brother.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"It looks so bad, Gee," Mikey said in a whisper, the ice cube melting as he ran it over the inside of Gerard's thighs.

It was a combination of rolling the ice cube over the heated area, blowing the wetness from the ice that trickled down, getting absorbed into the blanket under Gerard. And with his lips puckered, blowing, Mikey leaned in and placed small kisses over Gerard's chub-rub after each exhale.

"You're so good to me, Mikey. I'm gonna get you so fuckin laid this weekend - twice, dude - thrice. I'm gonna get you so much fuckin pussy you won't be able to piss straight for a week," Gerard rambled on, his head turning side to side as he squirmed underneath Mikey's soft touch.

"I don't want any pussy," Mikey said against his brother's leg, forgoing the ice and extending his tongue, licking the full length of Gerard's hurting then blowing on it.

Feeling Mikey's tongue, Gerard popped back up on his elbow looking down again on his brother as Mikey switched, licking the hurt on the other leg, "What do you want then?"

"Ass. With a side of cock."

Gerard let his head fall back a little and his eyes roll back into his head as he felt Mikey's cool breath against his heated skin. He was prepared to do whatever he could to compensate his brother, "Whatever you want then," he said into the air, "I'll find you a dude."

Gerard reached down and grabbed his cock and balls in his hand, feeling a stirring in his groin, Mikey's tongue licking over the inside of his thighs getting too much for him. The thought of dick in general was making him think of the dude all the chub-rub stemmed from. Not to mention, Mikey just said, ass with a side of cock.

"Alright, that's good. Thanks, dude," he tried to push Mikey away from him, thinking that the kisses and licks from his brother were innocently weird, but the erection forming in his boxers was crossing the line.

"Let me," Mikey told him, trying to push forward, to get his tongue back on Gerard, wanting to taste again the tang of his raw skin.

"Dude, seriously, you're giving me a hard-on. This just went from weird to weirder - and since when do want ass with a side of fucking cock? And who the fuck even says cock - porn stars do, that's who," Gerard held Mikey back, his hand gripping Mikey's shoulder.

Mikey leaned into Gerard's hand, wanting him to give in. He wondered if Gerard realized that if he would just lie back, and not watch Mikey licking him all over, he could think it was anyone - and not his brother.

"Just lie back and close your eyes, pretend I'm that dude you like so much."

"You're fuckin crazy - you really need to get laid, dude," and even though he protested, Gerard couldn't resist tightening his hand around his hardened cock, "Now, thanks for all your help, and if you don't mind, I don't want to walk to the bathroom, so um. Can you get out so I can jack off?"

Gerard's eyebrows were raised as he asked the question, staring at Mikey, praying he would just leave.

Mikey looked up and down, from Gerard's face to his hand covering himself. When he felt Gerard's grip on his shoulder loosening he just went for it. He got up on his knees, pushed Gerard back so he would lie down, and said, "Pretend I'm anybody but me."

Gerard had never heard his brother sound so confident - so sure of himself. It made him bring his hands together on his chest, holding them tightly. And when he felt Mikey carefully reaching into the opening of his boxers he snapped his eyes closed.

Mikey took his glasses off, setting them on the bed. When he pulled out Gerard's cock all he thought to do was lick, blow, and kiss. Feeling Gerard push his hips up off the bed, a stifled pleading moan coming from him, Mikey swirled his tongue around his full length. He took the shaft in his fist and worked Gerard's cock head, lapping at the slit, tasting his brother's bitterness.

Gerard brought his arm back over his face and asked, "If you want to, I can turn over and you can fuck my ass?"

Mikey pulled off Gerard's cock head and cleared his throat, "Alright."

Mikey sat back, avoiding eye contact with his brother as he looked down at the bowl of melting ice cubes.

Gerard reached into his nightstand and looking at Mikey out of the corner of his eye saw that he was busy watching the ice melting. He quickly pulled out his lube and squirted it into the palm of his hand. Reaching behind himself he shoved his hand into his boxers, dug between his cheeks, slicking himself all over before he pushed two fingers inside his ass.

Mikey couldn't resist watching. Gerard was turned away from him, facing the bed as he finger fucked himself inside his underwear.

"I'm gonna get on my knees here," Gerard warned Mikey, hinting to him without too much interaction that he needed to back up.

Mikey got up off the floor as soon as Gerard dropped to his knees. He watched as his brother, still upright on his knees, draped his torso over the bed, stretching his arms over his head. Mikey undid his pants, letting them and his underwear fall to the floor, bunching up at his ankles. He stared at his brother reaching back and pulling his boxers down just over his ass. He could see Gerard's crack glistening with lube, which reminded him. He grabbed the bottle off the table and slicked his cock up.

There were a few awkward seconds, both not really knowing what the other was feeling. Chub-rub far from their minds. Mikey stepped closer to Gerard, careful to not trip over their pooled pants. He stroked himself and waited again for just a second.

Gerard could feel the tension from his brother. He could hear the squishing of the lube on Mikey's cock as he stroked himself. He figured he was older, he should give some reassurance, some encouraging words.

He tilted his head to the side, never looking directly at his brother, and talking away into the room, "Just like, hover over me, and when you go in... um, can you angle yourself down, like, make sure your dick hits me right behind all my junk, alright?"

Mikey got his go ahead and if Gerard had suddenly changed his mind there would have been no stopping him. He did just like his big brother told him to. Placing his hand over Gerard's ass, spreading his cheeks open with only a thumb and first finger, Mikey guided his cock inside.

When Gerard felt Mikey fill his ass up he tried to think of his dude. The guy that he jacked off to all the time. He tried to imagine it was him behind him, grunting softly, working his ass open with a perfect sized cock. Applying the right amount of pressure, fucking him at a perfect angle. And as he tried to think of that dude, all he saw was his brother. The thought that his brother was behind him, fucking him with the experience of a... porn star.

When Mikey felt Gerard push his ass back onto him, rolling his hips around, knowing Gerard was rubbing his cock against the bed under them, Mikey couldn't help it as he laid over Gerard's back. Grunting into Gerard's ear with each hard thrust he gave his brother's ass.

Gerard couldn't concentrate on anything other than his brother fucking him senseless - flawlessly. Feeling Mikey breathing into his ear, his labored breaths blowing Gerard's hair away from his face.

He couldn't help saying as he craned his neck, "You're like a fucking porn star, Mikey - what the fuck?"

"You're a tight fuck, Gee. I can't help it - I knew you would be."

"A tight fuck? Who the fuck are you?" Gerard pushed his ass back farther, wishing Mikey would go deeper - fuck him harder.

"You want it harder?" Mikey whispered into his ear, "Is that why you keep pushing back? Cause just ask - I'll fuck you as hard as you need me to."

Gerard couldn't believe that the guy behind him was his brother - his double life-living little brother, "Yes, please."

"Yes what? Say it - beg for it," Mikey lifted his knees, placing them on the bed. He kicked his shoes off and let his clothes fall off and away. Keeping his body draped over Gerard's he moved his hips up and down, pulling his cock in and out of Gerard's ass.

"Do it, Gerard."

"Fuck, Mikey. Harder... give it to me harder. Make me fucking bleed - I need it. It's been so fucking long."

"Get up on your hands and knees - I fuck better that way," Mikey pulled out and stood up, waiting for Gerard to do what he said. He reached for the lube and after slicking himself back up, Gerard waiting on all fours for him, he got into position behind him and pushed himself back in.

"Jack yourself off, Gee. I want you to cum before me," Mikey grabbed onto Gerard's hips, fucking him roughly, pulling him back onto him, forcing his cock as deep as it could go.

Gerard's hearing was fading, a bright light behind his lids as he got fucked the best he ever had. He couldn't take his hands off of the bed, he needed the support or he'd surely collapse. It took a few more strategical thrusts before Gerard let out a long whine, unloading hard - thick sheets of hot sticky cum flowing never-ending from him. He threatened to collapse, his body going weak.

Mikey could go for another ten minutes - maybe twenty. And as he felt his brother falling forward he thought to himself that on some other day he would. He'd fuck Gerard for hours, giving him all he had. Make him cry for Mikey to stop as Mikey banged away at his prostate.

"Get up, let me cum," Mikey grabbed a fist full of Gerard's hair, pulling him back up from his leaning position, "It'll take me a second, just don't fall."

Gerard straightened himself up, trying to catch the drool falling from his open mouth as he felt Mikey grab back onto his hips and ram him continuously. Gerard found strength in himself he didn't know he had. And as he felt Mikey tensing up, his grunting becoming louder and desperate, Gerard without a warning to himself came again. His ass spasming around his brother's ejaculating cock.

"Oh fuck!" was all Mikey could manage as he felt the tightening around his shooting cock, "Fuck - fuck - fuck, Gee," he slowed his thrusts, pushing Gerard forward, giving him permission to fall over.

"Holy fucking shit, Mikey. What the hell was that?" Gerard asked the second Mikey hit the bed.

"What? Did I hurt your chub-rub?"

"My what?"

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