Good Time Boys

May 02, 2008 22:06

Title: Good Time Boys
Author: fastbetty31
Pairing: The Way Brothers
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Summary: They say, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' They're right.
Disclaimer: Not real. I own no one and have earned nothing from this.
Beta: madelinesimone
Warnings: Incest

It's a small piece of paper. Much like a Post-it note. Just big enough for six lines to be written. Always just six lines. A title, and five lines of description. Six lines of words that Mikey has written neatly - always writes neatly - so there's no mistaking the instructions. A small piece of paper, chosen randomly. Napkins, receipts, fliers, but never actual Post-its. Mikey feels like the randomness is a part of the appeal, and that if it did become predictable, the whole ordeal just might lose its excitement. And neither want that. So anything with enough blank space. Folded in half neatly to hide its contents.

They're in the bunk area. All standing with elbows resting, and leaning lazily as they wait for the bus to come to a complete stop. Just Ray and the brothers. He's trying to goad them into going out with him and a few others. Mikey rolls the piece of paper between his first finger and thumb. Waiting for Ray to be too distracted, so that when Mikey suavely slips it into Gerard's hand it goes unnoticed. When he does, it's Gerard's turn to feel it in between his fingers. His heart thumping a little quicker in his chest, his mouth going dry from anxiety as he anticipates reading it. He slips it into his pocket, unable to tear his hand away from it - like it just might slip out of an unsuspecting hole.

"Any plans other than family stuff? James and me are gonna hit the town tonight," Ray starts his promotion. He misses the days when being a band carried all the way off stage. When there were no women involved in their lives. Or side projects. Just the five of them living like brothers. Living as one unit. When they were young, dumb, and full of cum - as Frank would put it. When they weren't divided into two separate groups: the Ways versus the rest of them. Which is how Ray felt they now were, and had been for a while. He was right in thinking so.

"Nah, just rest and relaxation for us. Well-deserved rest. I wish we could stay here one more day - without having to work. Then it would feel like a vacation," Gerard says dreamily, as if he's imagining all he could do with twenty-four hours of no responsibility. He runs his fingertips over the piece of paper in his pocket, caressing it lovingly. He wants nothing more than to turn around and duck into his bunk, draw his curtain closed and pull out Mikey's note and read exactly what his plans for Vegas actually are.

"No gambling? No strip clubs? But it's Vegas, guys!" Ray fixes a wide smile, thinking of all the fun he and James are going to have.

The brothers shake their heads together, looking to each other.

"But it's Vegas!" Ray says again, as if he might have gone unheard the first time, or maybe the brothers were unaware of where their next stop was. "You guys need to let loose; we haven't partied together in a long time. I miss you guys sometimes - and we freakin live together," he doesn't mean to sound so needy. It breaks Gerard's heart... just a little.

"Aww, you guys will have fun if we go or not," Gerard strokes. "It's Vegas!"

"Besides, you know our mother is gonna wanna eat at every buffet she can find, if we don't take her she might let herself wither away," Mikey adds chuckling lightly, looking to the floor, feeling a little guilty towards Ray's sincerity.

"Well that should be really exciting," Ray says condescendingly, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, well, while you guys are out making hangovers for yourselves we're gonna be laid out on queen-sized beds, watching mind-numbing tv and eating thirty dollar hamburgers from room service. You couldn't buy that kind of fun. Besides, you're gonna need someone to stay behind - who's gonna bail you guys out when you get arrested?"

"Haha, that's not funny! Just promise me we'll all go out before we head out - if anything, for dinner. Your mom too - if she wants. I'm gonna make Frankie and Bob commit to it; I'll even treat," Ray says, exciting himself at the plans he's making.

"Well yeah, then," the brothers agree. "If you're treating we'll be there," Gerard speaks for them.

"Then it's a date," Ray can't contain his happiness. He's always had to have a sense of family surrounding him. He's always said that once he settles down and gets married, he's going to have a dozen kids. So he'll never be lonely - someone who loves him will always be around. When his girlfriend heard him say so she said nervously, 'We're adopting them, right?'

"I'm gonna go tell Frank, make him at least pencil us in," he turns and heads to the main room where Frank can be found.

Mikey turns to go with him, wanting to give Gerard some privacy. Knowing Gerard desperately wants to read his note, just as desperate as Mikey is for him to read it.

And as he walks past he holds his hand out, letting his fingertips graze inconspicuously over Gerard's stomach, all the while looking to the floor. He couldn't meet Gerard's eyes even if they were open, as Gerard lets the feeling of such a small, guilty gesture flood him with heat and want.

"I want you so bad," Mikey whispers, walking away.

Private hotel room
You're a hooker
Red lipstick
Very tight pants
Black thong

Six lines. A title, then five requests. Depending on Mikey's mood, their level of privacy, and accessory accessibility. It's Vegas, though. After Goggle-ing Las Vegas, trying to get an idea for that venture, Mikey came across a link to a male escort service called, Good Time Boys. He instantly got the image of Gerard all hooker'd up, knocking on his door, leaning on the door frame seductively as he opened it. Mikey clicked the X, closing the site, and got to work on his instructions for his brother.

Most of Mikey's talent, his creativity can be found written in these little notes. Whether an attitude, a costume, or a prop request, Mikey knows what he wants and knows there's no limits with his brother. No boundaries, and never any questions asked.

And Gerard has kept every single one. A stack over two inches high, over a hundred little notes. Gerard can't part with them, taking each one and tucking it away carefully with the rest, with delicate ease, like the paper itself was made of egg shell. Realistically, he knows one day all this will end. And when it does, he wants to be able to go back to each occasion. He'll read each note and remember the experience clearly, know the cities, know all the lecherous details by heart. He'll see the two of them in his mind. And when he does, with his hand wrapped around his length, he'll be taken back to a better time, to the best time of his life.

After Gerard reads the note a few times, his imagination gets the best of him as he lies still for a few minutes, dreaming of how satisfied he's going to make Mikey. He reaches for his Star Wars lunchbox. A container that holds all of his treasured items: the last birthday card he received from his grandma, a guitar pick from Adrian Smith, pictures he's taken with his all time favorite celebrities, an old My Chemical Romance armband, and all of Mikey's little notes.

As he feels the bus come to a stop he wants to grab Mikey by his wrist and pull him off the bus, take him right then and there to the hotel room and surrender his ass over to him. But that would be breaking the rules. And Gerard knows that what he and his brother have has lasted without a hitch for so long because they both abide by one unspoken rule. Self control. And the brothers display and exercise plenty of it.

Gerard grabs his wallet, cigarettes and lighter, and his cell phone, then hangs his legs over his bunk putting his shoes on. When he passes the fellas in the lounge area he barely speaks to them, just mumbling that he'll be back later. He knows Mikey will text him with a room number, that he will make it so they're on opposite sides of the hotel. He only needs to worry about following through with the requests on the list. He walks past them all, the lounge crowded as everyone is eager to get off the bus. He walks past Mikey and purposely grazes the back of his hand against his own. Neither look to each other although the small contact jolts the two of them - Mikey biting his bottom lip as Gerard wipes his brow with the back of his other hand. In his mind he tells Mikey, 'Give me an hour, Mikey. An hour.' In his clouded, distracted sanity, he believes Mikey hears him. He runs down the stairs, lighting a cigarette, in search of a cab so he can acquire red lipstick, a new pair of pants, and a black thong. The few simple items he's responsible for - the few simple items that have such great significance. Lust and need keeping him focused - blinding him to anything else.

It's been a couple of years now, and still it feels so brand new. In their hearts they know that since it's so forbidden, so taboo, that it will always have this sense of excitement and urgency. While neither would be able to explain to you why or how, it can't be denied. No matter, even while masking it with the facade of weddings and wives. Within them it can't be denied. And won't be. You could blame the eccentricity of their mother, or the abandonment of their father, and you just might be right, maybe. Somehow the whirlwind of their popularity, their celebrity, the strain and tumultuousness of it, turned them to each other. Clinging, to be protected from all that could no longer be trusted. Without premeditation, blocking everyone else out as they gradually separated themselves. From everyone. Wrapped up in one another, the intimacy consuming them, without reason. And they enjoy themselves. Slightly guilt-ridden but still, disgustingly happy.

Gerard checks his phone one last time, exiting the twelfth floor. He chants in his head, twelve forty-two, twelve forty-two. He sees the direction, the hallway he needs to walk down so he stops to complete the last request. He has just come from the bus, knowing he would find it empty. He dressed, sliding the thin strip of his thong between his ass cheeks, forcing his thick thighs into his new pants. Tried to resist the urge but failed as he palmed over his crotch. He can still feel his slight hardness as he leans over a table, purposely grinding against its edge as he brings his lips close to the mirror above it. The anticipation is part of the high. Expectation also. He grinds harder against the edge as he applies the red lipstick, sliding it over the bow of his lips, careful to stay in the lines. He holds the tube in his hand, his pants too tight to contain it, and heads for the room. Stomach churning, heart racing, balls tightening, his cock rock hard.

Mikey lies on the bed, his hands behind his head, his feet crossed over each other. He brings his hand to his mouth, cupping and breathing. He wants to check his hair once more anyway, so decides to again use the mouthwash the hotel offered - half the bottle already gone. He's been here for an hour, dressed and waiting. Unpacked their bags when the bellman brought them up, placing their sex supplies in the drawer beside the bed, carefully. Almost like a ritual. He walks back into the room and decides it's time to draw the curtains closed. As if he can sense Gerard in the hallway. He turns a switch on the lamp once, the dimmest setting. He looks around and feels satisfied. When he hears Gerard knock, he shakes the nerves out of his hands. He smooths the bed back out, flattening the creases he made earlier. He walks to the door feeling a little ridiculous, because, well, he's never called for a hooker before.

Gerard rests, with his body and his head flirtingly leaning against the door frame, his arms folded over his chest, his beautiful red mouth off to the side.

"You called for me," he says as soon as Mikey gets the door open fully.

Mikey stares at the whore in front of him, the daylight presenting him all aglow. His hair messed perfectly, his face seemingly flawless with the right accenting amount of make-up. His bright red lips, long slender neck, proper button down dress shirt. The shirt ending where Gerard's erection starts. Mikey does his best to hold off a moan, a fuuuuck, a mmmmm as he stares at his brother. His eyes fixed on the tightness of Gerard's pants and the cock that juts from them. Those pants being a small detail that completes his fantasy.

"Yes, I did. Come in," Mikey steps aside, allowing Gerard to pass him.

Gerard peels himself away from the door frame, letting his arms fall to his sides as he comfortably walks through the door. He sets his lipstick on the table at the entry way.

Mikey's demeanor, his vibe, the nerves he's giving off, unintentionally, help Gerard gain the confidence he needs. Although they've done this hundreds of times, a hundred different ways, Gerard too still can't help feeling the slight stirring of nervousness in his stomach. The smell of him instantly fills the room, a familiar scent to Mikey but not to the room. It floods Mikey's senses, as if it's the first time he's ever smelled this man.

"Have a seat," Mikey offers.

Gerard opts for the bed, sitting at the edge, leaning back. His two sizes too small pants are constricting his erection. He loves the uncomfortableness of it all, gives him good reason to keep adjusting himself. Each squirm, each slight roll of his hips, a buck that accompanies the adjustment, makes Mikey involuntarily cock his eyebrow. Gerard loves it, feeds off of it. He leans back, his palm flat on the mattress, his shirt riding up just some, his other hand resting on his thigh, dangerously close to his cock.

Mikey walks pass his brother, unable to keep his hands to himself.

Gerard gasps when he feels Mikey's fingertips graze across his lips, just a small touch, as he walks by. Gerard turns to look at him as he walks off into a corner of the room, seating himself in an over-sized chair. The heat and desperation of Mikey's touch still lingers on Gerard's lips, and just off to the side of his mouth. He knows his lipstick is now slightly smeared. He has no urge to fix it. He looks to his brother, tainted and guilty with an innocence that could be mistaken for genuine.

"Why don't you do us both a favor and open your pants," Mikey, with his elbow resting on the arm of the chair, his chin in his hand, can't tear his eyes away from the red smudge that leads away from his brother's mouth.

Gerard takes the challenge, his eyes never leaving his brother as he slowly unbuckles his belt. One handedly popping open the top button of his fly, then the second, then the third. He stops, with his hand ready to slide under and inside, to pull out what's pressing against the fabric. It's just a second of their eyes meeting, Mikey's eyes move up slowly, finding it hard to tear away from the slight showing of black material he sees. He knows what it is and the anticipation is almost overwhelming. 'Self control,' he says to himself. His head barely tips forward, and Gerard gets the permission he was seeking. He slides his hand under his pants, lifting his hips, bucking upwards. With a handful of cock and balls he gives Mikey what he wants. The fly of his pants rests right under it all, supporting himself upright and placing it all display. His smooth, tight balls, and hard, thick cock.

He leans back this time with both palms flat on the bed. He looks to his brother and asks, "What do you want to do now?" his tone relaxed even though his heart rate is elevated.

"I wanna put my dick in your mouth," Mikey pauses and clears his throat, speaking a little louder as he asks, "Can I do that?"

"Yeah," Gerard sits up, ready to go to him.

"Stay there," Mikey gets up and on his way over starts to undo his pants.

Gerard keeps eye contact with him as he returns to leaning back. Mikey pulls his cock out and kneels on the bed beside his brother. With one hand on his cock he reaches down with the other, Gerard watching him curiously and innocently. Mikey runs his fingertips over Gerard's lips again, down his chin. He traces the bow of Gerard's mouth with his index finger, spreading further the eroticness of it. He leans in and licks his brother across his painted lips, transfering the desire to himself, all the while his hand is wrapped around his cock, stroking himself.

With now pink tainted lips of his own, Mikey reaches for the back of Gerard's head. He pulls it towards himself, holding his cock head to those filthy red lips. Gerard lets his mouth hang open, allowing Mikey to push inside if wants. Mikey runs his leaking cock head over Gerard's bottom lip. Sliding it up and over the bow, tracing Gerard's lips, up and around a few times, mixing his pre-cum with the color.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful like this," Mikey's breath hitches in his throat as he cradles Gerard's head in his hand.

Gerard puckers his lips and kisses the slit of Mikey's cock, "Thank you," he says, unable to control himself as he sticks his tongue out and, while making it flat, licks the pre-cum that's steadily leaking from Mikey's cock.

Mikey closes his eyes, letting the feeling of Gerard's tongue, that heated, rippling sensation it gives him flood through his body. He pushes his hips forward and Gerard opens wide for him. His cock slides into Gerard's mouth, those smudged red lips stretching over his width.

Mikey completely buries himself inside and Gerard closes his mouth around him. His cock is rock hard, as he submits to the warmth and wetness of Gerard's mouth, feeling his cock head hit the back of his brother's throat. And as Gerard starts to suck on him Mikey stays still, deeply inside him. As if it were a teat, providing him nutrients, Gerard sucks, as Mikey continues to not move. His cock sitting between Gerard's tongue and the roof of his mouth, as Gerard's throat flexes, swallowing the small, teasing amount of pre-cum that's constantly trickling down his throat.

Mikey reaches down and wraps his hand around Gerard's erection, causing him to buck and lift his hips off the bed. Twisting his wrist back and forth he pumps his brother, making Gerard whine around him. His suction is tight, milking Mikey, craving that flood of cum, hot, sticky, and bitter. Desperately wanting to feel it coat his throat, feel it as it rolls down, feel it as sits warm in his stomach. Watch as Mikey's body jerks, spasms with each spurt of release, as his mouth hangs slack, an almost painful expression on his face. But Mikey has other plans and as much as he wants to stay buried in the tight heat that he's in, he releases Gerard's cock and pushes his finger into Gerard's mouth, against his cock and breaks the suction, pulling out. Gerard looks to him, waiting for direction.

"Put some more lipstick on, and take off your pants," he says and they both get off the bed together. Mikey's tight pants cling to his hips as he stands watching and waiting, his hand holding his cock and balls. Squeezing himself, unable to stroke, knowing the sight he's anticipating is enough to send him over the edge, knowing Gerard wants him to cum inside his body, somewhere - anywhere.

Gerard goes to the table and gets the tube of lipstick. He walks back uncapping it, standing in front of his brother as he brings it up to his mouth. He doesn't care about staying within the lines this time as he presses it to his lips, rounding it up and over. He does it a few times, applying layer after layer. He foregoes recapping it, and throws it onto the bed beside them. Mikey can't resist reaching out and again running his fingertips over Gerard's painted mouth. He grabs a fist full of Gerard's shirt, pulling him to himself. He tilts his head and opens his mouth, pressing them together. Their mouths move against each other, slick and softly. Their cocks rub aginst each other, stiff and pointed. And when they draw back away from each other Gerard sees what he's done, Mikey's mouth erotically painted like he knows his own is.

Gerard starts slowly unbuttoning his shirt, leaving it on and open. He turns around, sliding his tight pants over his hips, so Mikey can see the beginnings of his thong outlining his ass. He bends over, taking his shoes, socks, and his pants clear off, kicking them away. He stays facing away from Mikey, turning his head to look over his shoulder as he lets his shirt fall down his arms and onto the floor. He stands with his legs slightly separated, his ass pushed back. The black strap of his thong stuffed in his ass crack.

Mikey reaches his hand forward, hooks a finger under the strap and runs it along the underside of the material. Pulling it out of Gerard's ass. Gerard feels the tightness of it on his front, on his balls. Giving him a friction that makes him moan softly in his throat. He wants to brace himself but finds nothing before him. He opens his legs wider and lifts up and pushes his ass back farther.

Mikey walks to him, continuing to slide his finger up and down the length of the strap, purposely running the back of his finger against Gerard's split. Nuzzling his brother, his nose pressed against the back of Gerard's neck. Mikey replaces his finger with his cock. Leaving a damp line of pre-cum just on the surface of Gerard's ass crack.

Gerard reaches back with both hands, one on Mikey's hip, pulling him closer. The other moving up and behind Mikey's head, holding him close. He turns his head a little, their mouths meeting as he says desperately, "Fuck me," his breath hot on Mikey's lips.

"Get on your hands and knees," Mikey replies, then runs his tongue over Gerard's mouth, licking his lips before he locks on, sucking Gerard's red lips into his mouth.

Gerard seductively crawls onto the bed, on his hands and knees. His knees spread apart widely, his back arching as he rests his head on his arms. Mikey walks to the side table, pulling out a bottle of lubricant. Before he applies it he kneels behind his brother. Pulling aside the black strap covering Gerard's asshole. He leans in, running his flat tongue over the hole, lapping at it, causing Gerard to roll his hips against Mikey's face. Gerard, with his palms flat beside his head, rests his face against the bed cover under him. He sets a steady pace of bucking his hips back and forth, the provocative movement and Mikey's hot breath against him, his brother's wet tongue sloppily flicking at his asshole makes him groan against the mattress.

"Uuuuuuh, Mikey, fuuuuck," Gerard gets up on outstretched arms, his head hung between his shoulders as he waits for Mikey to continue.

Coating his fingers he slowly pushes two inside Gerard's ass. Just his stained red fingertips, then down to his knuckles, Gerard writhing and rolling his hips. He pushes back onto Mikey's fingers, rocking his body back and forth, fucking Mikey's fingers.

"Come back here to me," Mikey reaches forward with his free hand and grabs Gerard's shoulder pulling on it. With his hand facing up, fingers still encased knuckle deep, he pushes his palm against the cleft of Gerard's ass encouraging him to sit on his heels.

Gerard lets his head fall back, resting on Mikey's shoulder while Mikey wraps his arm around him, holding him across his chest. He bounces softly on Mikey's fingers, grinding onto them.

"You like that?" Mikey whispers into his ear.

"Yeah, uuuuuh, it feels so good."

"Wanna fuck now?"

"Uuuuuh, yeah," Gerard tries to catch his breath when he feels Mikey pull his fingers out. There's perspiration on his brow and the patch of skin above his top lip.

Mikey coats his cock nice and slick then reaches for that strip of black, pushing it aside again as he runs his cock through the slit of Gerard's ass. A few teasing brushes then Mikey pushes Gerard's back forward a little. One hand holding his cock, his first two fingers of the other in a V on either side of Gerard's hole, guiding himself. He pushes his cock head inside.

Gerard sits back up, unable to go slow, sitting on the full length and hardness of Mikey's cock. Feeling the burn of the stretch and loving it. He sits in his lap, bowing his head as Mikey holds him around his chest with both his hands. They still, appreciating the contact.

Mikey tightens his arms as Gerard's head falls back and to the side against him. Mikey opens his mouth against Gerard's exposed skin, sucking a patch of it. His teeth nipping, his lips sucking.

He kisses his way up, just under Gerard's ear saying breathily, "Ride it," then leans away from him, forcing his hips as forward as they can go.

Gerard grabs a hold of Mikey's thighs, just above his knees and pushes himself up. On his way down Mikey bucks, his hips meeting Gerard's ass with a loud slap. And they fuck. Gerard moaning, Mikey panting, pushing off his hands that he has placed on the bed behind himself. Gerard's ass is tight around him, sliding up and down his full length. Mikey's panting progresses into urgent grunts and Gerard can feel him expanding inside him. He rolls his hips, frantically bouncing, wanting to hear more. Mikey's grunts turn into cries and Gerard wants to feel him shoot, wants to feel Mikey fill him up, feel him coat his insides.

And it happens. Mikey leans forward grabbing Gerard back around his chest, making him stop. Burying his face in Gerard's neck as he releases. Breathing roughly through his nose as he unloads, his cock jerking with each spurt of release. Gerard feels it hot and thick inside himself, feels Mikey's strong arms around him, holding him, loving him.

Mikey, out of breath, tells him, "Lie down, let me finish you off," as he pushes him off his softening cock. He leans over and opens the side drawer again, pulling out a dildo.

Gerard lies on his back, his body glistening, freshly fucked. He bends his knees, spreading them wide, takes his thong and moves it over, off to the side of himself, freeing his asshole again, and his cock and balls. Ready for his brother to finish him off however he pleases.

Mikey lubricates the dildo. He lies over Gerard, between his spread legs, resting on his elbow, that hand threading through his brother's hair. He pushes the dildo that's larger than his own erection inside Gerard's ass, filling him back up.

Gerard lifts his hips off the bed, pushing back against Mikey's force. His mouth opening as he breathes out a whine, the dildo stretching him. Mikey places his mouth over his brother's, their tongues sliding against each others. He pushes and pulls on the dildo, rolling it around against the walls of Gerard's ass. He breaks away from Gerard's mouth, kissing down his chin, down his neck. Over his chest, sucking tightly on his nipple while fucking him hard, pushing the dildo in as far as he can - as fast as he can. On his knees he kisses over Gerard's stomach, over his hip bone. He nuzzles his nose over the black material of Gerard's thong, appreciating it, then he catches Gerard's cock in his mouth surprisingly, closing his lips around it.

"Oh fuck, Mikey, please. Yes, please," Gerard pants out, steadying his hips as Mikey's head bobs on his cock.

Skillfully Mikey works his arm, fucking Gerard, while deep throating him.

"I'm cumming, fuuuuuck, don't stop. Please don't stop... don't," Gerard's head turns from side to side. Mikey continues prodding his prostate, while holding his mouth still on Gerard's cock, sucking his cum from him till he drains.

Gerard's unmoving, only his chest rising. Mikey lays his head on Gerard's thigh, lying on his side, he curls up into a ball. He pulls the dildo from Gerard's ass slowly, making Gerard gasp deeply and shudder.

"Sorry," he says, laughing lightly.

"Get up here," Gerard tells him, laughing too and shuddering again as he feels Mikey breathe against the inside of his thigh.

Mikey slides up to him, right up against him, laying his head in the crook of Gerard's underarm. Gerard holds him tightly, his clammy palm on his brother's lower back.

He dips his head and kisses Mikey on his forehead, "That was a great idea. Did I make a good whore?"

Mikey looks up at him, sees his pink tinged lips and feels a stirring in his stomach, "Perfect."

He drapes his arm over Gerard's abdomen, clinging to him, "So, how about them thirty dollar hamburgers?"
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