Aug 28, 2007 00:20
So very tired...when they say "your flight is scheduled for an on-time 1 pm departure for San Francisco", what they really mean is "you will sit on the tarmac for about two hours while we fix the engine, at which point you will sit for another 20 minutes while George W. Bush lands at the airport and holds up all other flights." Instead of getting in at 3, I got home by taxi around 6, at which point I had time to check email and grab my cue before hauling ass to grab some food on the way to the pool hall. Got back at 11:30, and I feel like I've been hit by a truck (aided no doubt by all the drinking and not-sleeping I was doing all weekend).
It was worth it to go to PAX though. I haven't geeked out like that in a long damn time, and I met some excellent folks (along with some fairly awkward types as well, but what do you expect?). I would strongly consider going back next year - and maybe I'll even buy a DS so I can draw unnecessary wangs in Pictochat....
So what did I learn at PAX?
1. Tycho and Gabe are hilarious in person. I need to hire Tycho to write my material.
2. Rock Band will be really cool. (So who wants to host the first party?)
3. There exist a surprising amount of attractive female gaming enthusiasts, but...
4. ~30k nerds in an enclosed space occasionally produce smells like you might expect.
5. Even nerdcore hiphop needs proper mixing. When you actually can't discern vocals at all, something is not right.
6. Settlers of Catan is way more interesting after a few gin and tonics.
7. You can not stop Ashcan Pete - you can only hope to contain him. And since you can't do that either, you're pretty much fucked. The legend will never die.