RP logs: Stephen, Solace. Somewhat meta still.

Sep 12, 2008 08:17

Kiki: *still giggling at Max's profile's strikethrough*
could. not. resist.

Jag: Stephen's going to start calling him Buttercup now

Kiki: bahahhahahaha
that quite well matches Tony's Honeybear for Rhodey

Jag: Rich Kids With Issues.


Max: 'm not blond. Nor blue-eyed. Nor can anyone accuse me of having a perfect breast.

Stephen: Oh, you can buy those these days.

Max: *bats his eyelashes* Do you think I should, daaahling?

Stephen: *bursts out laughing and has to sit down*

Max: *winks*

Stephen: You're incorrigible.

Max: Oh yes. Just as advertised.

Stephen: *lips thinning out the way he does when he's trying not to say something or laugh*

Max: Oh come on. Tell me!

Stephen: *stepping around him neatly and swiftly, with the dexterity of a fencer, pulling his shirt up out of his jeans and peeking down the back of his pants* I see no advertisements.

Max: *fake-bored voice* You're looking at the back.

Stephen: Oh, I see. *looks at the front. Ahem*

Max: *smirks *

Stephen: Hmm. Yes, I believe I do see an enticement of some sort. *slipping his hand down the front of Max's pants*

Max: *voice slightly strangled, yes, but still smirky* Not buttery. Not buttercupy either.

Stephen: *fingers sliding down, cupping him a litlte* But certainly smooth...

Max: *his cock might give a small twitch* OH yes. And definitely enthusiastic. *voice definitely lower. Hand rises so that fingers run down along Stephen's cheek, around the edge of the chin, down the side of his neck... barely touching*

Stephen: *just stroking lightly up and down along the underside of his cock, definitely smirking, but breaking off after a moment to undo the front of Max's jeans. slowly. deliberately*

Max: *tense sigh, eyes alight* You seem to like the advertisement, if you're unwrapping the package... *mmm licks his lips, just because they're suddenly dry*

Stephen: *slight smirk, watching his face though, and picking and chosing his words somehat carefully* Oh, I certainly do like what I see... *stepping in to roll his pants down his hips*

Max: *deep breath, and another, hips tensing up a bit* And what you feel yourself?

Stephen: What I feel... *fingers stroking light down his hips, curling over exposed flesh, before dropping to his knees* is eagerness and hunger... *and now you can hear it in his voice, oh boy can you*

Max: Ah. *voice rather throaty with anticipation. Hand, which dropped down still along Stephen's neck, now shifts and tightens around his shoulder* And in that case... what will you have me... do?

Stephen: *smirking. oh yes.* Why, enjoy yourself, of course. *applying the tip of his tongue along the line he was stroking before*

Max: *gives a small shiver of pleasure, and murmurs* As you wish.

Stephen: *was totally about to do something massively erotic and is entirely derailed for a moment, just to duck his head and smile slightly/shyly/brightly*

Jag: (... does he do THAT to Stephen at work?)
Kiki: (at work? ummmm. which part? the touchy-pants-down, or the words part?)
Jag: (... the words part.)
Kiki: (If Stephen's teasing too much. Most of the time Max behaves because Stephen needs his attention on work and so does he. But ahaha sooooometimes.)

Max: *small grin, and runs his thumb warmly up along the front of Stephen's neck, then along the edge of his chin, gently, but fully touching skin to skin, then down the side of the neck again*

Stephen: *half closing his eyes, turning his head a litle to brush a kiss over his hand, smiling, catching his breath and his wits. and then returning his attention to teasing, lips and tongue moving wetly over his shaft*

Kiki: (umgh. those two... just when I decide one is putty in the hands of the other, they manage to turn it around, right 'round. *giggles* LOVE 'em)
Jag: (they're so, so amazing that way.)
(Anna has a bad suggestio.)
(Karaoke. Stephen. "Build me up buttercup")

Max: *palm curls lightly around Stephen's cheek with the kiss, then as the contact resumes, and how, gives a small moan and the fingers comb up into the dark curls, breath speeding*

Stephen: *listening to his breath, closing his eyes at his touch, taking his time over every inch of skin and slowly opening his eyes to lift his gaze to Max's face, watching him with smouldering intensity as he teases him, lips curling over the head, tongue flicking over the soft spot at the base, everywhere*

Jag: (*is random* does Sol like to watch Stephen's lips on Max's cock? You mentioned, I think, but I have forgotten.)
Kiki: (mmm she doesn't mind watching, but might end up lending a hand, she's slightly, you know. PROactive. Lending a hand. Or an orifice. )
Jag: (Hand or mouth would be entirely welcome. Or strap on. Whatever her preference.)
Kiki: (hahah that made both Max and Sol smirk - him because, well. It's good to know the effect isn't one-sided, not that he doubted or anything, and her because, yes please.)

Max: *breathing definitely comes faster, and his upper lip moves up a bit, head bowed down, face just tightening more and more with the growing intensity, even more so at that look, his entire body tensing, bucking against that teasing - or, even more, pleasing; very soon, as Stephen's mouth is right there at the tip, there might be a drop of precum, just uncontainable; fingers sliding through Stephen's hair * OH yes. Yes...

Sol: *leans in to kiss the back of Stephen's neck, wet and long, trailing kisses around and up, along his jaw, closer and closer to where his lips are; as her hand slides down along his clothes and cups him through the pants, squeezing just a little, just enough to be felt as pressure*

Stephen: *not moving from his intended line of touches but when his mouth comes up to Max's tip again he turns his head to kiss Solace deeply and share the taste of Max with her. Her hand makes his already sensitive cock twitch harder, pressing against his slacks very obviously now, as he returns his attention to the other erection in the room, tongue flicking faster over his skin now, encouraging more, more hips thrusting, more moans, more words, just more*

Max: *body shakes slightly at the sight of both heads down there, and their kiss, and then the increased intensity, his legs spread wider for better balance and, yes, his hips buck against the touches and his voice seems to be stuck somewhere deep in his throat, soft, begging almost, and his chest is heaving. His finger tighten against Stephen's hair, but do not push or pull, just tighten as his whole body tenses more.*

Sol: *her hand moves down over the slacks with the rhythm of the kiss, and when that breaks up, she lowers herself to roll down Stephen's pants, palm reaching to hold him and stroke him lightly, easily, the other hand caressing the back of his thigh, and a buttock. Her fingers are cool, but definitely knowing, as she arranges her body so as her head ends up level with her husband's crotch, and flicks her tongue, teasingly, not along the shaft, but along the bottom of his sack, nudging both balls in turn with the tip of it, before wetting it again and running it up along the middle of it, and the whole underside of Stephen's cock, in one uninterrupted motion*

Stephen: *definitely moans at Solace's touches because, gods, she knows how to touch him. Hands or mouth or body or whatever. and another moan and it comes out low ad thrumming against Max's cock as he lowers his mouth and begins to pump his mouth along his shaft, slowly, in time with the pulse of his hips, his own body tensing between Max's responses and his wife's attentions*

Max: *relieved groan as the lips finally slide around him, and there's another distinct twitch to his cock. His fingers, curled, are combing through the curls, barely resisting the temptation to urge for more, and he's muttering small mostly incoherent words of encouragement, along the lines of vibrating 'so good' and 'oh yes' and 'please' and his name...*

Sol: *tongue circles around Stephen's tip, once slowly, and then twice faster, and then her own lips start sliding down the shaft, tight, close, filled with pressured air as if for blowing, down as far as she can take him (as far as he can be taken), then up a bit faster, and down a bit again, then one of her hands slips in and up under his shirt, along the skin - both to caress his body, tease a nipple, run her nails along his chest, and to feel the rhythm he is setting and duplicate it on him. And then slowly, so slowly speed it up*

Stephen: *has to pause just to take a breath to steady himself, burying his face at Max's hip with a low moan. And then nipping there, because he can, teasing his mouth down just to the inside of his thigh, tongue tracing a similar path to the one Solace took over his balls, licking his way back up again finally to resume the suction, lips firm and sliding along his shaft; one hand has to stay free to clutch, for balance, but his other hand slips through her hair in rapid, fluttering motions. Between Max's movements and sounds and her mouth he's not going to last much longer and, god, he loves her. loves them both*

Max: *when the lips leave him his own voice spills over a string of ohnononopleaseno until Stephen's face touches him again, he's not going anywhere ohgod thank you, and he screws his eyes shut for only a moment before the new touches have him open them again, take in Stephen's face, take in, sensation and sight and sound, what he is doing, and his fingers run down over the other man's face, caressing his cheek and trembling just a little, fingers caressing the ear, before digging against the scalp again as the sucking resumes; and he moans openly with just the sheer vividness of it all.* You are... *gasp, because who is going to last any longer?* absolutely amazing. *and yes, choked, broken, ragged voice. Enjoying himself? HELL yes. Because Stephen just knows how to make things the best. And yes, the touches, the words, the sounds, the surrender? It is also love.*

Sol: *while his rhythm breaks, she concentrates on actually sucking just the head, lightly, then pulling back a bit and blowing at the exposed, moist, tender flesh. And then his hand is in her hair, and she can feel how hard, how close he is already, and her palm rests flat against his chest while the other hand moves to cup his balls, rub them gently, yet firmly enough, then nudged them just a bit lower before pressing them down, countering a downwards thrust of her mouth. And again, if needed.*

Stephen *and this is the advantage of having a hand free, because he takes a breath and raises a hand to trace an absurd little heart over Max's hip, because he never got a chance to do silly things like that in grade school, and then to catch Max's hands in his as the whimper comes out even around where his lips run tight and wet along his shaft. just at what Solace is doing to him, at the way her hand manipulates him so deftly and knowing what he wants, at the way her mouth covers him, and no, neither of them are going to last much longer, i fact, yes, whimpers spiral upwards into panting cries and somehow he doesn't lose the rhythm although the tension can surely be felt, as his fingers tighten on Max's hand, in Solace's hair, as he comes*

Kiki: (Meta!Max: I'm not getting a heart-shaped tat on my HIP dammit! )
Jag: (Would you rather him tattoo his name on your ass?)
Kiki: (*dies laughing * One name on one buttock, the other on the other... )
Jag: (*tries not to laugh so loud they can hear it in the front of the store*)

Max: *body shivering every which way between sound and sensation and touch and sight as his hips start jerking more sharply and he doesn't even stay aware of his own cries as it feels like something snaps inside and it's almost painfully wonderful, the release, and he grunts, muttering Stephen's name over and over again between that... and then for a moment can barely stand upright, panting, drained - and his eyes looking back down are smiling... satisfied so much.*

Sol: *closes her eyes as she carefully thoroughly pumps him out, letting him come out completely, the cries, the feel of his fingers in her hair, making her sigh happy after he is done and she slips her mouth out. Gently, she kisses the shaft, then the hollow beside it, and a bit of exposed thigh, sucking just a little, then unfolds to straighten up an hold him as Max is about to slip to his knees too*

Stephen: *lashes fluttering at the feeling of him pulsing in his mouth, the taste of him, and as Max's knee buckle and he pulls back maybe he's smirking just a little, settling back into Solace's arms. And licking his lips, even though he doesn't need to, just for the effect. And holding an arm out for Max to snuggle into him if he wants to* Amazing, *he murmurs* Simply amazing. *all three of them*

Max: *oh yes he wants, and snuggles close, nuzzling against his neck slightly, then after catching his breath - and the motions of his muscles - a little, raises his head to kiss Stephen, long, and soft, and slow, arms moving to wrap them both, warm. And then he settles again, among chests heaving and bodies warmed, content* Yes. Mmm oh yes.

Sol: Amazing with you. *purring, warmly, nuzzling against his ear, and huggling softly, gently*

Kiki: ((AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND both of them just boggled at this: http://community.livejournal.com/sixwordstories/8630696.html ))
Jag: ((They should speak up. Stephen is just 'oh dear god WHY'))
me: ((*laughs * Oh poor Stephen. But then again, he knows WAY better than to think of anything else during sex. ))

Sol: Stephen? I think the guy that poor girl came across couldn't even begin to comprehend your league. Just saying.

Stephen: *quite happily settled in their arms, kissing Max back, warm and content and loved and amazed at how different this feels from, oh, the first half of his life * Mm? Oh. Yes.

Jag: ((*snorts* I'm fairly sure Stephen hired girls before Sol.))
((...and after, come to that.))
Kiki: ((she's fairly sure he did, too. ))
Jag: ((*snorts* Both of them at a club or a brothel, shopping.))

Sol: *relaxing too, oh this just feels perfect, just right* Yes. I'm glad things are so. *kisses his hair* Best-beloved.

Kiki: (oh dear. Sol: *hugs Stephen* )
Jag: (Stephen: *snugs, sighs*)

Stephen: *closing his eyes pretty much, pulling Max close against him, not that he really needs to, snuggling back into Sol and turning his head slightly to kiss her shoulder*

Kiki: (Sol: She doesn't seem to be able to do what she's paid for. And is complaining. Those who are incapable, all the world does wrong by them.)

Max: *small happy sound at the back of his throat, holding on tight, gently*

Sol: *rests her cheek on Stephen's hair, hand caressing the back of his palm, slowly*

Stephen: *just a happy little sigh, figners light over Sol's thigh, over Max's upper arm and chest, resting*

Kiki: ((heee. Yes, Stephen's better? ))
Jag: ((He certainly seems to be. Although he is still... .. something about him is mindful of the way things used to be, the way he used to be. He doesn't normally draw comparisons between being warm and snuggled and being cold and frozen and alone.))
Kiki: ((oh yes. But. They're there. Warm. Completely. with him. ))
((they dooooo so love him.))
Jag: ((And oh boy does he ever appreciate that.))
Kiki: (( <3333333 ))
Jag: ((He loves them so very much. He feels so incredibly lucky not just to have found them, to be loved by them, but that it's all working out so well.))
Kiki: ((For Sol, he's ... how the world is and can be ordered right. The full of her world. She's... more grateful than she can even put in words about the fact that he proposed, and even more, how he is. And Max? I think for him it's more a case of giving than taking. Somebody who he can commit to, without reservations. And who can and does... make him happy. Any way. As he wishes.))
Jag: For Stephen... Sol is his link to the outside world. His transltor, his guide. He'd make so many mistakes without her, and at best he'd feel so lost. And be miserable half the time, because it is so much of comfort to come home to someone who understands, who he can talk to or listen to without pretending interest, who he can be with in all ways they would like to be.
And Max... brings light. Brings warmth and laughter and joy and friendship and all those things he never had, and did so bit by tiny bit. Not ovrewhelming. Until by now Max is so much a part of his life that he doesn't know what he'd do without him. Without that cocky grin. Or lopsided smile, or stupid jokes, or the warmth of his voice or his presence at his back.
And they both strengthen him, and comfort him. It's so... something.
Kiki: Completing
not undoing what has been, but filling in the emptiness
one little thing at a time
Jag: Yes.
Kiki: ... and he's not even aware how much he gives to them. Most of the time
*makes a note to use that when more awake. Or, at least, at home.*
Jag: He really has no clue.
Kiki: Sol: *snuggles so very close*
Jag: ... not that ... I think also the part of him that grew up in Charles' traditional household is amazed that their arrangement works as well as it does, that they're both okay with this.
Stephen: *hugs so tight*
Kiki: nods that would make sense. On the other hand, there are no actual reasons that he consciously knows for it not to work...
PM Jag: Yes. Everyone knows, everyone cares, everyone shares appropriately.
I think it's just a nagging feeling that he's doing something that wrongs them and he feels vaguely guilty for it. It'll pass in a few years, no doubt.
Kiki: Also, I do think Charles may go and end up hating Solace. Just about everything he's tried to do with Stephen, she undoes, in some way. And doesn't even bother to say a 'by your leave'!
haaah. Max has that feeling too, but he absolutely knows that he's not lying to either and the love for one doesn't change the love for the other.
Jag: Exactly.
Claudia makes Max deliriously happy, and Stephen is deeply pleased by that.
Kiki: *nods* !
Jag: He loves Max, doesn't mean he wants him all to himself.
... which, how the hell he learned that trick living under Charles, I don't know.
Kiki: How much of all he owned was he allowed to have exclusively?
Jag: *wry * Anything Stephen didn't care about.
Kiki: haha yes. Precisely. Stephen got used to accept that some things just... something
Jag: The minute he showed intrest in something Charles took an interest in it too, at least over whether or not it was appropriate.
Mmm. Probably true.
Kiki: Which. I think is very funny because while they do appreciate each other, Sol and Max don't get drawn to each other the way they are to him. Or he to them. And that must be a reassurance too, that he's special for each of them
Jag: I think it is. There's a special place in their hearts for him and that's a place that gives him comfort, sometimes, to just curl up in their arms and be there in that place in their heart for a little while.
And I think part of that is due to the fact that he had so little to no love at all for so long...
Kiki: ... and once they give theirs to him, it is unstinting

meta, ic, stephen, rp logs, ooc, solace, smut

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