Title: What America/Germany think of each other
shizukosaka aka me!
Character(s)/Pairing(s): America/Germany
Rating: G
Warnings: prejudices and stereotypos against americans and germans!(Don't be offended and don't take it too serious please.Danke! Now seriously.Don't take it so seriously,it was meant just for fun and wasn't aiming to offend someone in ANY way,okay? )
One afternoon...
"Hey Germany what's up,man?" America walked over towards the german,throwing one arm around the german in a friendship showing gesture,smiling brightly. "What have you been doing?" America glanced down and sees that germany was holding some papers in his hands. "What is that?" America asked curiously.Sticking his nose into everyone else's business...he was known for that.
Germany sighed. "Hallo Alfred.This is a report about the behaviours and characterics of your people, based on my observations while I stayed at your house the last time I went there. My boss told me to write it down..."
America's eyes widen in surprise,then he started laughing loudly,holding his stomach. "You too? Oh my god...My boss told me to do that as well..." He pulled out some crinkled papers. America thought for a moment,then grinned. "Hey let's read each others reports!" He said,poking germany.
"I'm not sure whether this is a good idea,Al-" Germany was cut of by America interjecting: "Don't talk shit,man! I think it's an awesome idea,because I had that idea...HAHAHA!"
Germany couldn't do anything else then sigh at the american in front of him,unwillingly handing him out his report,recieving the americans report for his instead.
Now they both were reading...
Stratening the crinkled papers, germany coulnd't helped,but smiled a little as he started reading what was scribbled down in the messy handwriting of the american:
A report from Alfred F Jones
Germany calls me "Ami". (I don't know what that means,but I think it's something about "pal" or such....)
It's impossible for him to shop properly on evenings or sundays.
→ consequent for the shopping-stress on saturday mornings.
Germany answers me in english, although I said to him he can talk in german,since we both have translators.
Incredibly much sex can be seen in german television to nearly every day- and night-time.
Irony and sarcasm is his tag.
The persuasion of being responsible to everything that has happened to himself,which is builting up enormous pressure on him.
Bossiness → (Nein!(No!)-Doch!(Yes I do!))
security concerns! → Just don't get into trouble or something.
He ruins every movie by using the same voice actors all the time!
At parties it's not common to introduce the people to each other.
Germany thinks that his direct kind will give the impression of honesty, but it only scares the me.
He talks to loud and too much in public places.
The known-to-well authority trustfulness: Germany stops at red lights even at 3am in the morning!
Germany has a high average of smokers in his country.
Wherever he walks he knocks on walls and tell that this is not going to be approved,being built like that.
About relationships he talks like a bookkeeper : “I've had invested so much in her/him...”
Some german daily newspapers, print naked girls on the front page and nobody is protesting against it.
He eats pizza with forks and knives.
He's proud of his beer. So proud that he even drinks beer for breakfast.
Germany only talks to people he already knows. → With strangers he only talks to warn, scold or advise them.
He keep his real feelings for himself for some unknown reason. =.="
Germany keeps on making statements about “the american way of life”.
Germany likes it to to walk around generous or even naked. In the park, the sauna, the beach etc...Walking around naked in germany is called 'FKK'.
Germany complains....A lot sometimes...
German women are most likely to be big chested!
Germany's language sounds very aggressive, although he didn't said anything aggressive,it still sounds like he did.
America grinned brightly.That was was so typical for the german. The handwriting was kept clean and orderly like the papers as well where the whole report was written down on.With a big grin across his face he started reading...
A report from Ludwig
He's eating hamburgers and drinking coke ALL DAY LONG!
His banknotes have continuously the same color and size - and that even he adores money so much.
He's so superstitious, that there's no 13th floor existing in the hotels.
He says “Excuse me” everytime he blocks my sight just for a split-second when he's passing me in the bookstore.
Many american women tend accent their statement-sentences as question.
Humor is often going on somebody else's expense.
America talks about “true love” even it's just about a chocolate bar.
A man and a woman can't go to the cinema together without it's being called “going on a date” even tough it's not such as a date more like a buddy.
The lack of geography knowledge. He doesn't even now properly where europe is,not to mention my place. =___="
PEANUTBUTTERJELLY! Some strange mixture out of peanutbutter and jelly. Tastes...starnge,tough...
He doesn't believes that it's necessary to learn, at least, one foreign language,because his language,english ehh sorry american, is world dominating anyway.
He's mercilessly patriotic and can't understand others for not being like that as well.
Million-Dollar lawsuit against anything and anyone!
Huge american boobs are mostly to be fake...
No fear about self-promotion → the louder the better!
America carries around money-sacs around his neck, because he fears to be mugged.
Deadly silence in subways and suburban trains.
He's even more technonology-believing than myself.
He believes for some unknown reason that Bavaria, especially Munich, and Heidelberg are whole germany!
He likes it to wear american baseball caps and t-shirts.
his knowledge of german language (if anything): Dankeschön!(Thank you!),Achtung!(Attention!),Mach schnell!(Hurry up!),Bier bitte!(Beer,please!)
To his extra double whopper with french fries he drinks diet-coke and calls that "being on a diet".
He doesn't knows the concept of every person having “personal space”.
When he comes home,the TV will be switched on like the lighters/lamps.
he loves guns and other weapons and keeps them at home,just in case someone might attacks him there. → kinda paranoidal.
I am more interested in him and his culture then he is in me and my culture!
Alfred reads the the last sentence over and over again,not believing what the german wrote down there. Germany may be smart and intellegent, but in this matter he was so stupid.
Germany looked up, being finished with reading America's report about him and eyes the american. "You have finished reading,Alfred?" Germany asked.
" Yes I have, but I have to make something clear about the last point..." America dropped the papers in his hands pulling Germany into a stormy and passionate his,with his lips crushing upon the Germany's....
(I just had to draw this.I really had to XDDD ♥)
After a few seconds he parted himself from Germany,still holding to him and being close.
"Now do you still think you're MORE interested in ME than I AM in YOU?" he asked germany with a teasing grin before he crushed his lips on germany's again.
The two reports were taken from my project/housework in english. I left out some points because I coulnd't hetalia-fied them so here you can read the full thing ->
shizukosaka.livejournal.com/4201.html And I got an 'Uncle Sam' cap today as well xD
Ah yes and P.S. very important question...
is anyone willing to roleplay america on facebook? I opened an roleplay account on Facebook as germany,but I'm missing an america to chat with and get into an relationship with, etc... because either the alfred's are already engaged or married to arthur/anyone else or they're not into or even dislike AmexGer. So it would be nice is someone is willing to be my roleplay partner. ^^ Thank you!
here's the link to my account ->
www.facebook.com/ludwig.deutschland Now then it's 12:50 am here and I have couples of things to do tomorrow.So I hoped you enjoyed my post! Wish you well and Gute Nacht! :D ♥