My first Hetalia fic in a while

May 10, 2011 20:53

Title: Germany and America reviews a movie
Pair: Germany/America
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: I don't think theres anything in here to warn about unless one doesn't like references to other things.
Summary: Germany and America breaks the fourth wall and reviews the Hetalia movie

Gilbert had made a bet one day that his brother and his boyfriend, Alfred, couldn’t make a more popular video reviewing a recent movie, than his video reviewing the same thing.

He had a feeling that he just lost as he saw the number of views Ludwig and Alfred’s Youtube video had gotten. The video opened with the two boys sitting on the couch in Alfred’s home. Ludwig was dressed in a black outfit much like the Cinema Snob and Alfred was dressed like the Nostalgia Critic.

“Hello I’m the Cinema Snob,” Ludwig announced, causing Alfred to start laughing a few seconds later, “Alfred you're supposed to be following the script!”

“I’m sorry I can’t help it...hahahaha....its just the way you said it Luddy!” Alfred tried to explain through his giggles causing the German to roll his eyes, “

“Don’t call me Luddy idiot.”

“Right sorry. Anyway we got roped into this bet to do a review of a movie and...whats it about?” Alfred then turned to Ludwig, who then signed.

“You mean you haven’t watched it?"

“...shut up I was doing hero things! Have you?”

“Uh..I was..”

“You watched one of your BDSM videos didn’t you?” Alfred retorted causing Ludwig to blush a little as he just quickly moved on.

“Today we’re going to be reviewing a movie that came to our attention called Hetalia Paint It White..”

“...and from what I heard it has aliens in it!” Alfred exclaimed, cutting his boyfriend off, “...which makes it fucking awesome already! So is it in the same vein as Cloverfield?”





“Alfred...this movie is more of a kid friendly movie compared to those.” Ludwig said, causing Alfred to let out a little disappointed sign.

“So I take it no blood and gore?”

“Nope, but there is one action scene.”

“Ok. So lets sit back and review the movie that Ludwig’s brother chose for us!”

Gilbert muttered that Alfred forgot to mention the fact that he was so damn awesome as the theme tune played.

“The movie opens up with Iceland talking about his tourism or something...”

“ that what he looks like animated?” Alfred interrupted as he laughed.

The German just ignored him as he continued, “Then it moves to one of America’s people running down an alley in...I want to say New York City?” Ludwig turned to Alfred with a confused look on his face.

“I was thinking Chicago,” came the reply before Alfred turned to the video screen, “She appears to running in fear of something...I wanna say Godzilla.”

This caused Ludwig to facepalm, “Alfred I though you were going be more serious?”

“Oh come on Lewis...a review gotta be funny not boring!” Afred said, using the English equivalent of his name, which by the way Alfred is the only one allowed to call him that.

“Here we go the first appearance of the aliens, which looks like...”

“Something out of a Ben 10 episode...” Alfred stated, causing Ludwig to stare at him.

“You watch too many alien related shows Al.” Ludwig deadpanned, causing the other to glare at him.

“I don’t make fun of you for watching those BDSM porn vids of yours every 3 days.” He then shot back..

“Fair enough. She then gets surrounded and gets turned into an alien.”

“I feel like I’ve seen the turn people into aliens thing before....”

“Just cause it used a cliche doesn’t mean its bad.”

“Oh look a meeting now and you..bwhahahahahahaha....they made your hair look like fucking Legolas from Lord of the Rings but shorter! .Hahahahahahaha...” Ludwig was not amused at his boyfriend abrupt loud laughter.

“That is how I usually look moron!”

“I know but yours is a little more slicked back but untame a tad in the back and here they drew it like you have plastic...”

“Shut up Alfred!”

“Right sorry,” Alfred cleared his throat before starting again, “So Legolas....”


“Ok ok...Germany,” Alfred shot a glare at the German, “...tries to start the meeting and everything is going good but it soons turns to chaos and I have to say this scene is inaccurate..”

Ludwig then shot him a what expression.

“Our meetings are never that chaotic,” Alfred stated, causing the other to chuckle.

“I beg to differ, I say this scene is accurate.”

“Oh come on! Never had I once acted like animated me,” Of course this then caused Ludwig to start laughing which caused the American to sent a glare at him.

“I have a video that says otherwise....” Ludwig said, smiling as Alfred just stared at him in disbelief, “..I’ll show it to you afterwards.”

“Ok so all the animated versions of us leaves having apparently wanted to destroy the aliens with our own methods,” Alfred started after pausing for a second or two, “...then its..I’m confused Ludwig, its your brother introducing Russia’s sisters and they are not there and...”

Alfred paused before turning to Ludwig, “It seems to be a Big Lipped Alligator Moment.”

“At least its a good moment and not a bad one.” Commented Ludwig, to which Alfred nodded in agreement.

“True. Heheh Belarus’s creepy look. She reminds me of someone.....oh Bennett the Sage.”


“I’ll show you a cameo he did later.” Alfred said, before letting Ludwig talk.

“So now it cuts to each of the Nations trying to take the aliens down but the green thing renders everything into a white...mushy, wavy like mess.”

“The green colored powers there reminds me of Gloop from Ben 10...”

“I thought I said no references earlier.” Ludwig then stated a little stern causing Al to look at him. “Anyway, everyone is shocked as their weapons is now useless.”

“Then Ben Tennyson comes in, turns into Way Big and saves the day!”


“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” Alfred said, while he was still laughing, “Oh look the monuments and lands got transformed as well.”

“So did some of the other Nations. Except for Switzerland and his sister, apparently the aliens are powerless to get through the barrier around their land.”

“So if a hellbent on world destruction alien race that would make the Pict look like bunnies, should arrive...we all should head to the safe zone that Vash and Lilli apparently have?”

“Looks like it, unless their alien tech can get though it.”

“Ok, so far I’m enjoying this movie, lets continue.”

“The next scene is all of us somewhere where it isn’t white, still refusing to work together.”

“Oh look at the outfits they gave us!” Alfred exclaimed, bursting into laughter, “..hahahahaha...if I had to come up with the ready for battle outfits, they would look like the Power Rangers ones! Or superheros type ones!

“I think the outfits are alright.”

“Whatever you say Luddy...”

“If you call me Luddy one more time...”

“Alright, alright....ok apparently movie me is talking to Tony.”

“Which you can only understand...”

“Seems like no one else can understand him in this movie. Oh well.”

“Ok here we go, an explanation about the aliens and I will admit Alfred, the scenes here does look like something from a Ben 10 episode.”

“Ha! I knew it! Alfred stated, jabbing his finger in excitement, “...and its the usual every alien in the universe hates Planet Earth cause we’re weaklings and blah blah blah, then advertisement and...holy shit! Tony got transformed as well!”

“Not surprised. Whats to say the Pict doesn’t have another enemy beside Earth.” Ludwig then stated.

“The green blobs then forms a huge fucking mothership....least it was different from the usual giant ship casts a shadow over an entire city!” Alfred said, in a semi booming voice that caused Ludwig to chuckle a bit, “..we get in via outfits that look like them that Italy made and we don’t get noticed.”

“....yet, we don’t get noticed yet.”

Gilbert had to admit to himself that this video was funny, as he had to pause it now and then when he was laughing a little to hard.

“If I had it my way you would’ve been with me searching the place and stuff. So Lego..”


“ with Italy and Japan while animated me is with China and Russia.”

“Everything seems to be going fine until England and France get into one of their idiotic fights which catches the attention of one of the aliens.”

“How the hell did the alien notices anyway, he doesn’t have eyes!”

“Perhapes the green ball thing on top of their heads is...I don’t know...their fucking sensors!”

“Don’t have to snippy with me,” Alfred shot back before returning to the screen, “...don’t pull the rope Moe!”

“What the hell are you referencing now?!” Ludwig then turned to face his smiling boyfriend.

“Doodlebops. I couldn’t help myself.”

“You watched a kids show?” Ludwig stated, a little surprised.

“I was babysitting for Molossia! Shut up!”

“Her 5 year old little brother Kickassia who is an albino just like my brother, correct?”


“How is he still alive?”

“I think it has something to do with the guys that runs the website, I don’t understand fully.”

“Oh ok. This scene has your group in the control room I believe and Russia lets off the alarm.”

“So we’ll all panic, run and get cornered by the aliens who is about to eat us all alive and leave behind a bloody and gory mess while...”

“Alfred, calm down!”

“Oh....right..sorry,” Alfred then took a breath, “So they all now try to show the Pict something from each of their country, or well each of our countries since they are based on us and...”

Alfred stopped then for a second as the scene with Germany trying to pour beer came on, the American was covering his mouth snickering as the German sitting next to him was just staring in horror, frozen.

Alfred then burst out completely in laughter, filling the room they were in, “They made look....hahahahahahaha....” Alfred was laughing so hard that he was holding his sides and trying to catch his breath, “...they made you look like a complete pansy!”

“Oh God..” Ludwig muttered in horror as the older Nation was now lying on the couch still laughing, “I would understand being scared if say that was Alien or something but not fucking little white blobs of...whatever the hell they are!”

“If Prussia sees this, you’re never gonna live it down..” Alfred stated, as he kept giggling as he got back up into a sitting position.

Said albino was currently laughing so hard that he almost fell off his chair. Ludwig then just buried his face in his hands.

“Ok, lets get back on track. The plan seems to be going well until England shares his scones...oh by the way Ludwig did you see how much...”

“Shut. Up. And. Continue.” Ludwig sternly said to a still giggling Alfred.

“England shares his scones and as expected not even beings from outer space likes the stuff. They turn all evil again and chases animated us out.”

“We all jump out and land on a island.”

“Then Ben and his cousin Gwen comes in, fights the Pict and saves the...”

“Alfred!” Ludwig shouted, whacking him upside on the head.

“Oww..ok so they don’t show up and save the day. Maybe they were fighting Viligax or something. Anyway we’re freefalling and it cuts another good Big Lipped Alligator Moment and the animated Ludwig waking up and walking though the jungle.”

“Inner monologue then animated version of me finds Italy on the beach having mysteriously gotten the pans and ingredients to make pasta and the others show up. Sealand arrives...”

“..joins the party then we have Russia wondering why the aliens didn’t attack Italy. I know the reason, he’s the goddamn Batman. Even the Pict knows to fear Batman!”

“That doesn’t even make sense you idiot!”

A minute or two then passes before Alfred piped up, “Whatever.”

“Ship came back and tentacles sprout out and oh Alfred that action scene I told you about is coming up.”

“Awesome! Ok so alien army comes out, Batman Italy runs off into the bushes, another BLAM and oh action scene!”

“Look at the animated versions of us go. I’m impressed.” Ludwig commented.

“Look at me go! Look at the sweet moves they did to animated me and yours!” Ludwig couldn’t help but laugh at how excited Alfred was right now, “..I would’ve make it more actiony and longer if it was me, but I’ll take it!”

“...ok one question, how come everyone else gets transformed fast but when its animated us, it takes more time?” Alfred asked after a minute passed.

“Maybe its cause we’re the main stars and wanted to show the reactions.”

“Hahaha dogpile on Germany.”
“Last time I was tackled like that, I was in pain for 5 days.”

“Sorry about that....I didn’t mean to and I’m sure Prussia didn’t either.”

“I know.:” Ludwig responded as he kissed Alfred on the cheek.

“You cry out for Italy. If it were me it’ll be Alfred..Alfred please save us! You’re our only.....” The American was saying that in a high pitched voice before being rendered to stop via a death glare, “..I’ll stop. Continue.”

“This next scene has Italy drawing faces on all of us...”

“Jigglypuff! He pulls a Jigglypuff on us!”


“You know from Pokemon.” Alfred then started humming the tune said pokemon uses causing Ludwig to roll his eyes, “ then that causes to revert the transformation song.”

‘Buck through Alfred....could be worse. Remember Titanic the Animated Movie?”

“That movie Italy dragged us both to see?”

“At least Rome is not rapping here..” Ludwig then said smiling, causing Alfred to look at him in horror, “...or a rapping dog...”

“Oh God!” Alfred then yelled out as he buried his face in the couch, causing the German to laugh.

“Now it looks like the Princess of the alien race comes up and its also faceless...”

“Which reminds me of a cartoon rendition used somewhere...”

“Which is what Alfred?”

“....Welcome to the atop the fourth wall where bad comics burn.....

“Oh for the love of...”

“..Linkara gonna teach you all a lesson you won’t learn....”

“Alfred shut up!” Ludwig yelled as Alfred was giggling,

“Ok so faceless girl then apologize for trying to destroy the world and it turns out it was Italy’s outgoing personality and innocence that saved the day.....that won’t save us from the aliens in Alien but it will work on the Pict.”

“I guess we’ll know who would win if those two alien species went up against each other.”

“...and the winner has to take on the aliens from Avatar.”

“So then the girl asks for the marker and then they all leave.”

“What would happen after the marker run out? Will they come back and politely ask for more or would they suddenly turn on us and take over the world?”

“No. They’ll take over the universe.” Ludwig commented causing Alfred to laugh.

“Hey you made a funny..”

“Huh...guess I did.”

“So the movie ends with Italy waving goodbye, we’re all smiling and happy, happy, joy, joy....then Sealand comes offering a ride back...”

“..but before that, Japan asks everyone to do the Bon dance...”

“Oh I know that one!” Alfred then stood up and started singing, “..shake your bon bon...”

“Alfred that’s not the same thing!”

Oh come on, just dance!” Alfred then pulled Ludwig up, “ what do you think of the moive overall?”

“I thought it was alright...rather watch this then Garbage Pail Kids.”

“...and I would rather watch this then Alone in the Dark...”

“So your final verdict is?”

“Pretty good alien movie, whimsical and fun. So this is America and Germany saying...”

Alfred then paused as Ludwig kept quiet, “Oh come on please say it Ludwig...” pleaded the America which caused the other to sign.

“.We’re the Nation Persona’s who remember it so...:
“ don’t have too!”

The video ended and Gilbert had to admit the video was funny. He then grabbed a list he made of ways to blackmail Ludwig as he went to grab his cellphone.
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