this comm needs more activity :(

Oct 21, 2010 21:41


America shoved his hands in his pockets, looking vaguely uncomfortable in his olive-green t-shirt and jeans. “Jeez!” He breathed out, smiling sheepishly. “Your May is cold.”

Germany gave him a weary glance and huddled into his brown sweater. “I’m sure you’ve been to Russia,” Germany remarked, somewhat sullen.

“Yeah, but-“ and at this America gave a small shudder, wrapping his arms around himself, “-I was always wearing some nice, thick jacket. This,” America motioned to his casual wear, “does nothing.”

“That’s your fault,” Germany grunted back absentmindedly, instead choosing to focus his gaze on the tan bricks of a building before them.

America tapped his foot impatiently, humming a brisk tune under his breath and casting his gaze briefly from side to side. Goosebumps ran up and down his arms, making America only more enthusiastic to end their little excursion so they could go back inside. He briefly analyzed the scenery: tree, tree, grass, building before deciding that his attention span had maxed out and it was thus time to bother Germany. “Hey.”

Germany, on the other hand, seemed as if he could last for hours just staring and contemplating at the former American military base. “What?”

“Aren’t you gonna miss me?” America smiled toothily as Germany looked at him incredulously. “I mean, since I’m moving out of this city and all.”

“Your military is still located in many areas all over my land,” Germany pointed out. “Like they’ve been for fifty years.”

“Yeah, but it’s like-“ America paused. “It’s almost been four years since Russia’s house disbanded, right? So everything’s changing again…” America appeared almost thoughtful in this rare moment. “So annoying--because we're pulling out I’ll have to rewrite army manuals.”

Germany scowled. “I thought you were finally getting serious,” he reprimanded.

America shrugged.


“You are gonna miss me, right?” If nothing else, America was persistent.

“You’re still here.”

“C’mon!” America threw an entirely-too-friendly arm over Germany’s shoulder, bringing the two nations closer. “You know what I mean.”

Germany couldn’t help but notice America’s shivering; he couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or from anticipation. Considering just how childish America was (most of the time, Germany amended), it was probably a combination of the two. Germany almost considered taking off his sweater for America, but no, he decided against it.

Germany’s expression soured, but-and here was the catch-it was almost a familial sourness, a sort of grudging friendship. “Even if you did leave, it wouldn’t really matter,” Germany muttered, burying his face into a patched scarf hastily wound around his neck.

“Hey, don’t say that!” America’s brilliant grin cracked a little. “I won’t have as many excuses to come and get smashed with you anymore. Or complain to you about England. Or-“ America cut himself short at the sight of Germany’s faint glower.

“There’s enough world meetings to make up for that,” Germany snapped, blushing a little-and not just from the frosty weather. Now Germany was the one to feel awkward about the whole situation.

America sighed, for the first time in a while appearing world-weary. “Just say-I don’t know. Anything.”

Germany breathed out of his nose harshly. It was such a stupid thing to say, they should be above this, they weren’t lovers or anything of the sort- “I’ll miss you.” At the slow smile spreading across America’s face, Germany tacked on hastily, “But not if you keep being an idiot.”

America laughed and snuggled closer to Germany, attracted to Germany’s heat in the cold and perhaps something more than that. Somewhere inside Germany, Germany felt his own chill thawing.


sap ending is sap?

In May of 1995, American military moved out of Frankfurt. Frankfurt was the original Allies Command Base when Germany surrendered at the end of WWII.

They are standing in front of the IG Farben building, which was the building that the American military used in their stay in Frankfurt.

More sources:

fanwork: fic

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