what happens in mexico stays in mexico

Mar 14, 2006 20:27

Rosarito was insanely fun. That sounds so stupid. raging? savage? i dunno, basically it was one of those, HAD to be there kinda things. i LOVE those sig ep boys about ten times more than i did before (if thats even possible). so here goes. this is more of a preservation kinda of thing than anything:
-Mexico heat--our bus driver on the way down. Hot boxing the bus. Kegs on the other bus. Handle pulls to get to the bathroom. General debauchery. Meeting people and them being like 'omg ive always wanted to meet you' (or in some people's cases: you have such a pretty face but at the gym, you look so angry. it makes me afraid. ahhaha!!!)
-the taco stand and dollar tacos. SOOOO good. the groccery store. purchasing the GINORMOUS tank of $2 tequilla (no it was like...10liters for $7) and all of us staring at it cuz it was so rank
-cramming 15something people into a taxi, getting groped by PANCHO the effing cab driver; dancing on the bars, sketch bartenders, sketch guys; questionable dance moves; dirty mexican bathrooms
-naked hot tubbing, destorying ghetto cabanas and lighting fireworks off the roof and beach
-waking up the next morning/afternoon trying to piece together the night before
-cramming how many people into a bathtub??
-hearing very questionable noises from the other bedrooms in the cabanas....effing couples
-$1 corona bar
-NOT buying my pancho...cameron made up for that i guess
-sketchy bars and the guys search for fake absynthe (ps: it wasnt real....sorry to burst ya'll bubbles)
-buying fireworks--sorry those arent big enough for us...
-tyler rapp running naked from the Federalies. by far all of our favorite memmory. sorry, but the mental image of tyler naked standing up against a pole, and then bolting will stick with me forever. (and then hiding on a closet shelf?! haha!)
-sketchy mexican bus ride for lobster that gave us all food poisoning
-the boys mooning the federalies equiped with AK 47s....not the smartest idea?
-the most annoying girls on the bus who i swear were on coke. "hey lets give them somethig they'll remember--a black eye!!"
-carolyn, whit, dawn, bucky, elaena, yorky, mimi....best girls ever
-getting yelled at in spanish by my date. yeah, lets not even go into that one.
-kevin bleeding every moment of the trip
-calvo's 'bling'
-the immense amount of nakedness on everyones part--hookah, hotub, bathtub, running, jumping into the ocean, scarign mexican children, etc etc etc
-the sketchy mexican club sucking and carolyn, elaena and i going back to the cabanas to watch hardcore mexican porn and read magazines
-going to the mexican farmacy with elaena trying to buy pills
-JP getting on the wrong bus to come home, waiting in Rosarito an extra hour until we found him; hearing "danielle, wheres your date??" for SEVEN hours on the bus ride home
-crossing the border and seeing GW Bush and Cheney the second you enter the US "who is that guy"..."the VP who shot someone in the face, duh!"
-the ghetto bathroom in the bus back home. "whats the screaming in the bathroom?"..."danielle and mimi"..."sweet"

overall a very successful trip south of the border. fabulous first time experience. minus the awful fever i got (a small price to pay to the party gods?) now its dead week/finals and i DEFINATELY have a final saturday morning at 8am. i am SOO not ready for this.
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