good evening. tonight we'll be playing a blondie song + a siouxsie album.

May 21, 2003 20:39

i kept forgetting the rapture show tonight--
shoe + i are spinning inbetween sets.

i can't wait!

when the-one-who-sings starts that interminable count-off in 'house of jealous lovers',
i'm going to punch him!

i do need:
♥ asprin
♥ more or less blush stain
♥ a pimm's + ginger + iceiceice
♥ to play one of the howlingest cure songs ['all i want', bird?] over their set
in homage to their amazing first record,
which couldn't at all have been an homage itself

blah + etc.

p.s. all in fun; i'm sure they don't request 'girls to make out with after the show' anymore
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