Dec 04, 2005 18:44
So I went to the car dealership and my fucking car was sold. I am furious! I'm looking on ebay and autotrader again. I don't car what color the car is.. well I do. No red, yellow, or green. Black, white, blue, and silver are fine by me. UGH!! That really killed my whole weekend. I didn't do anything I thought I would. No cleaning of the car, no hanging out with anyone. I got more Juicy but that's not really exciting when I can't share it with anyone. I feel like I have no friends, well really I don't. Oh well fuck it.
I can't find a coat I want and it's frustrating me. What a sucky life, other than the fact that my credit card limit went up. Haha, sweet.
At least I have NY to look forward to. I was so scared I would be spending all of my money on a hotel and a bus ticket but my mother is going now and she paid for everything. Free hotel, free car ride, free food. Sucks that Amanda couldn't go but it'll still be great, we'll definitely have a good time!
I've got such a had headache i'm going to bed. God when will Eric come home!