she's a bad mama jama!

Jun 04, 2005 15:40 this is a conversation i had with one of my really good friends and i understand what she means but i guess i don't know what to feel or do about it. what do you think...

Friend: I just was inferring you were a weenie for not calling me, but I figure this is how it is gonna be and I will not guilt you
Me: oh yeah
Me: sorry
Me: it probably went out of my head since it's looking like matt and the pariah are back together
Friend: dude that sucks
Friend: I am sorry
Me: yeah
Me: i don't know
Me: i care but i don't
Me: nothing he does ever surprises me
Friend: I feel ya...

Friend: Hey Seth you are cool
Me: thanks
Friend: but I have to protect my own feelings so......yeah I heart you, but I will not call you or what for a while cause I feel dictched a lot, and I love you, but yeah
Friend: so have goodtimes
Friend: and whatnot
Friend: truth

...i admit i'm not the best correspondent but people know this and have known this. i feel bad but i don't...this friend went away to college and has remained a good friend but i guess i kind of moved on with my life this past year just like they've moved on with their's. i've been noticing more lately that since i started getting more friends through the theatre and whatnot that i haven't been hanging out with my other friends as much but to tell the truth i really only have two or three friends outside of that group so i guess it's easy to forget because i feel like i'm covering all the bases. another thing is when this friend comes home i give them space because i understand that this friend doesn't always want to hang out with me unlike their other friends who this friend talks of constantly fighting for time with them every time they come home. i guess i thought i was helping them out. obviously not. another thing that irks me is that this friend talked to me about this very thing with other friends of their's last sunday and couldn't even tell me to my face that i was one of them. i don't know. i'm not going to do anything rash or stupid. i'm just going to let it lie because i don't want to lose this friendship even though i may have already.

this is kind of creepy considering the above!

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June 4, 2005
You might need to let go of some negative emotions, seth. You have a tendency to relive past hurts in your mind, dwelling on them. This doesn't help your health! Try to break free of these patterns today. You might be thinking about a disturbing event or relationship. Instead of wasting energy, make a conscious choice to move on. Forgive, forget, and release this event. Prayer or meditation might help you to complete this process.
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