Dec 11, 2003 20:43
i went down for lunch with rianna, then clarence told us in the canteen that we had to go upstairs because sir marlo was looking for us. haha i was freaking out the whole way up because i thought we got into trouble (you know me, ms. paranoia)...when we got upstairs, gab goes "uy sir marlo has been waiting kanina pa!" then i was like "why ba?!" then my barkada (the ones in school anyway) say happy bday to me and gave me this basket full of plastic eggs!!! 18 to be exact...each egg had something inside that reminded them of me...there was this mini envelope with all my "favorite expressions", RICE, a picture of mangoes, harry potter, DAVE MOFFATT, soap carving of my FAVORITE initials...hahaha i was so surprised! i have the sweetest and the BEST barkada EVER. haha sorry, i just had to share this with everyone =o)
i love TheEggs so so sooooo much. =o)