lol friday night was so fun. i went to claire's house, then her fam and i went to Longhorn Cafe for dinner, it was good. Then we went back to her house to get my car and then we went to Boerne. Picked up ell from Levin's house, and cruised down Sisterdale Road for no reason. ::jammin to some BACKSTREET BOYS:: Saw some cute mexicans and yah..we drove by the boerne vistro and JUVES and Reid were walking down the street, then we gave them a lift over by where Lance Paxton lives. Juves gave Claire a kiss. haha hot. then we went to Walmart, it was pretty sweet. We saw Clayton and some other kid there. I threw a barbie bouncy ball at clayton. we went to STARBUCKS and got some CARAMEL MOCHAS! it was great. then we took elliot back to walmart to meet Limey, and when we dropped him off, we saw TOM. it was adorable he was wearing some cute slacks and a shirt and tie. adorable. we chatted for a while and yeah... then we went back to claire's house and looked in magazines and online for how she should wear her hair for prom. we both loved this one: that's hot. and my mom called and told me to come home. i did, and went to bed. on Saturday i cleaned my room kinda...and hung around. then at 5:45 i went to Starbucks again to get a CM. then i drove to Fiesta Texas to pick up my cousins. when we got home, we took Rudy for a walk. then we decided we didn't have any food so we went to HEB. We got two pizzas and some cookie dough. we got home and made pizza and yeahhh they were supposed to watch a movie with me but never did and my dog chewed through the power cord to my DVD player so my dad's suppposed to be fixing it today. we'll see how that turns out. well right now idk what im doing but i gotta go!