My Ten

Mar 15, 2006 16:18

 okay so ive been tagged to do the  tell ten people how you feel and not naming so lets see where i begin...

1. You're the first person that always pops up in my mind. I love being around you. I feel like I am me and that it is finally okay to be that way. You don't ask questions. You always enjoy the moment and I love that. I've never laughed and just enjoyed myself as much as I do when im with you. You won't know what this means, but its even  step further than how i felt around BJ when we fist started dating and I'd get all happy and giddy. Smiled all the time around him.  It's an overall good feeling. It's great actually! I'm very proud of you and all of the risks you have taken. We're still getting to know each other a lot better but you are my best friend.  I miss you every day i don't get to see or talk to you. However, I am beginning to get scared. My feelings for you are growing. I am not sure if you feel the same way back. I really don't want to loose our friendship, because it is one of the best ones i have out there right now.

2.  You are one of the best people I have met. You have done so much to turn my life around from where I was when I first met you. Sometimes I wish we would have met you at a different time in my life and our relationship wouldn't have ended up at where it is now. I really hurts me, even now, knowing how I treated you and all the things I could have done so much better. However, we are here now, and it is for a reason. If i never would have met you, I wouldn't be where I am today. I probably would still be this 16 year old girl trapped in a 20 year old body. You taught me how to love, care, find out who i am, make goals, and many other HUGE things. I have never met anyone like you. You tell me how it is in a nice way, you look at every angle of the discussion and base your decision on that. You are one of my true friends who has my TRUE interest at heart. Even though its a little hard at first, I really  can't wait to see where our friendship leads. I love you. I always will. We share something that no one else will ever be able to understand.

3.   You're such fun guy. SO very cute. I love hanging out with you. You're so shy and you need not to be. I don't talk or see you as much as i would like. I hope that changes here in the future. You have always looked out for me though, and I thank you for that.

4.  Ive known you ever since you were born. We've faught, a lot. We've not faught as much lately, but then again that is because i hardly see or talk to you, ever. I hope that changes. I want to be best friends and know everything thats going on with you. I know you don't have time and I haven't really reached out to you either. Maybe its because we're going through phases where we are finally OUT of the house and don't have to see each other every day! But I do love you and I'm very proud of you and everything you're doing.

5.  You're the very first person i met when i came down here to USM. We hit it off right away. We are so much alike and I see a lot of me in you. Unfortunately too much of me. You're at that point in your life where you don't know where you're heading or what you want to do with your life. You begin to miss your old friends and the changes that are taking place are effecting you way too much. I can't help you anymore. Ive done what I can. I do want you to know that i love you dearly. I wish the best for you. I hope you find the place that you are looking for.

6.  You're a very good friend to me. I love hangin gout with you. We always have waaaaaay too much fun. We're in college though. It's supposed to be like that. You take it over the top sometimes. I wish you didn't. You're getting to a point where i think some things are taking over your life. Its good to have fun but in moderation.  You need to calm down a bit. (I think i should also add your temper could probably go down a lot as well)

7. You are like a second mother. My personal best is all you want me to achieve. You're very proud of me as I am of you. I love you to death. You've always got the gossip and learn about everything going on in our building. I absolutely love that. I wish though, that when it came to your boyfriend, you weren't so passive about everyone else. I know you guys are in love. Ive been through this situation before. ITs just you never say hi or recognize anyone when he is around. Ive never even gotten to talk to him because you guys always walk right on past us. There is no hanging out with us at all. I have never even spoken but two words to the boy. I wish you'd pay us a little attention as well when he is around.

8.  You're really awesome. I don't know you all to well yet, but so far i think you're absolutely fabulous. I enjoy myself around you and i can be a little crazy and not think about whether you think im weird or not. You've got great personality. You've finally picked a nice boyfriend (..that i know of so far). I can't wait to room with you if it works out this summer!

9.  You're a great kid. Very nice guy. You can be fun even though you say you're boring. You've now spiced up your wardrobe a bit thanks to number 8 and me. You don't need to be so hard on yourself! You're a great guy! You're a catch! I love you to death. You'll find the right girl. Don't worry about that. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride and enjoy life. Don't let silly things like the above get you down. Enjoy the here and now. Its what its all about!

10.  I never talk to you anymore. This is my chance to tell you what i have been thinking lately. After you replied a few times to my livejournal and other things, I've thought about us and the past. We had so much going for us. While we are two totally different people and didn't work out not just because of you but because of me, we bonded in a way I will never forget. We shared things that will always remain dear to me. You will always remain in my heart. I will never forget you!
Okay. So i have to tag five people?
1.  Glen
2.  Leah
3.  Josh
4.  Sri
5.  Danyel

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