(no subject)

May 02, 2005 23:51

Sooooooooo many things are going on right now... and i haven't posted in a while....

but i got this random phone call from a friend from high school. and it had made me think.... it is sad how i don't talk to any of my friends anymore... and then i think even more... and it is even sadder that a lot of my friends have this lj thing... and they read my posts... and they don't talk to me either.... and that is just depressing.... because we had so many good times in high school... let it be drama, chorus, or where ever i knew you from... here is a question for you personally... why don't we talk?

so that is that...

and then there is bad stuff and good stuff.... so lets do the bad stuff first...

so a couple days ago i put how i hate the situation im in... well it is a fucked up situation... BEYOND fucked up really.... and it is too fucked up to go into toooo much detail... and there is aolt... soooo here is a little sniplet...
so my roomie... AKA my best friend, other half, Linds... and i like the same boy... she went away... like him more and more... she came back... he like us both... then realized he like her more... and now they like each other.... GREAT!!!! and i keep trying to tell myself and them that it is ok.... and it's not... but i try not to... but then she is the one to get attached quick... and i mean QUICK.... well she was like well im not going to rush into things... kinda give me time to get over it... well going upstairs for hours and hours till after i go to bed and sometimes still being up there when i wake up is not "not rushing into things".... and i know that she is already attatched... and i hate it... b/c it kills me in the sense that it is stressing me out and making me more irritable towards her... and i hate that b/c she is my best friend... and then there is the fact that i want to tell her to give him up b/c i hate hating her... or disliking her or being jealous... or whateve you want to call it... b/c it is ruining our friendship... b/c i know i am distanceing myself from her b/c of it... and she is spending more and more time up there.... and it sucks.........
and now... like right now... she is up there.... and we were down here together doing homework and she decided to go up there and draw... when i was just sitting there with her doing it too...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh i just want to scream.... im done....

so yeah that is that....

but the better news... and i should be more happy about just typing this... but b/c of the whole situation... im in a bad mood now.... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttt....

Im going to MIAMI... if you didn't already know... for ten.... TEN.... days.... to help in Miami Fashion week.... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! im one of 15 who got to go from my school... and this is the frist time my school has had connections to do this.... for like 5 days we get to work with the designer, get things prepared, work with the models and get trained basically.... then the 10th... the shows start.... =)... i will be back stage.... our days will consist of work from 9:30 am.... to midnight... and doing it all over for 5 days.... sounds rough huh.... it is.... but it is ok... because I LOVE IT!!!!! im sooooo excited and i can't wait to get the experience and to do my own shows... but for now.... WOW!!!! can't wait.... ill let you know how it goes... the only thing that BLOWS... with a capital B... b/c im not 21... i can't go to all the after parties like the other students who are 21... not cool!!!!! but it is ok... im not the only one!

sooooo random.... we got this new manager at work right... she is a transfer from the mall of GA... well i was talking to her before we opened today... and i was like sooo do you know where marietta is... and she was like yea that is where im from... and surprised i was like well i graduated from walton... and she was like i graduated from wheeler... WHOA... weird... freaking talk about small world... but wait it gets smaller... soo if you didn't know i went to wheeler my first year and half of my second... well my bro went there his senior year which was my freshman... well she graduated with my bro... very small world... and her sis was a year younger than me... but yea...random i knwo... but it has been a while since i have updated... so might as well make it last...

oh well i g/g do homework for the week im missing... b/c... oh did i tell you... im going to MIAMI for FASHION WEEK.... sorry can't help my self.... but n e ways,
peace out cub scout!
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