Feb 01, 2005 21:01
I Love it.... LOVE IT!!!!!!! sooo just a little breif of what im talking about... well friday night the guy who wasn't looking for a relationship, wanted to hang out... well we haven't hung out since way before the break and we keep on trying to hang out but it just doesn't work out... well i told him i was going to the lamda chi bid house party and so was he.... so we planned on getting drunk and what not... sooooo i see him at the party we flirt and what not... then after a couple more drinks i start dancing with another friend... who wasn't him and he saw it.... well i don't remember talking to him for the rest of the night.... and i didn't call him all weekend... then i was at the gym and i left and checked my messages....: "what the hell.. umm.... whats going on? maybe a phone call later... uhh indeed...bye"
hahahahahaha LOVE IT!!!!! i think it is hallarious b/c normally it is me calling him... but ever since i got over the "i don't want a relationship" thing i figured why not do what he is doing... so i have been.... until i find someone actually looking for a relationship... y not guys do it y can't girls!!!!! sooo im going to wait for a little bit longer.... and see what he says.... linds says i should wait till tomorrow but i don't think i could... we shall see!!!!!!
on top of it im coming around to the fact that there is no hope for the other guy who i screwed up with... seeing he is getting closer to the girl he was seeing before me.... yay... not so much... but what can i say... you gotta move on!... or wait till she goes back to her country (no joke... she's an exchange student)after school ends!!!! we shall see... but not get held up on it... or at least try no to...!
soooo drummers.... what can i say.... they can be cute... they might not be... but just the being in the band thing is... whats the word.... HOT.... welllllllll... yea for me there is a drummer who works at hollister.... and of course he's not ugly... come on he works at hollister... he's tall, funny, he can sing as well as play drums(obviously) and oh yea did i mention cute.... well he is having a concert on friday at usf so i think me and the girls are going to go to bannana joes= free food and happy hour specials then to the concert... im quite excited... we shall see(once again!)
ok im going to the land of homework... A.K.A the sweat shop of apt. 1921... sew sew sew!!!!
Peace out cub scout