Giveaway #12: Sorrow Wood by Raymond Atkins (TSS)

Oct 17, 2009 23:15

Win a copy of Sorrow Wood!

My full review of 'Sorrow Wood' can be found here.

Plot Description:  When the charred body of a promiscuous, self-proclaimed witch is discovered at a farm called Sorrow Wood, nearly everyone in the sleepy town of Sand Valley, Alabama, is drawn into the case. As the murder probe continues, a multitude of secrets are revealed, including one that leads back to the rock castle home of Wendell Blackmon, Sand Valley's police chief, and his beloved wife Reva. The town's inhabitants ruminate on the true meaning of commitment, love, death, hope, and loss as they delve deeper into questions such as Who was this woman? Where did she come from? and What did her presence mean to Wendell, Reva, and the townspeople of Sand Valley?

This contest is open to international readers!

We will be accepting entries until the evening of October 31st, 2009.


There are a variety of ways to enter (if you've entered in my contests before, feel free to ignore this - nothing's changed):

1. Leave a comment in this entry, but make sure I have a way to contact you!  (NOTE: IF LEAVING AN E-MAIL ADDRESS PLEASE USE ONE YOU CHECK FREQUENTLY.  At least half of the addresses I've contacted re: winning previous contests have not sent a response!)

2. Go back to my old reviews and comment on them.  Each comment (one per entry) will get you another entry in the drawing.

3. Comment on future reviews as they come out - I update Tuesday, Thursday and at least once on the weekends.

4. Mention this contest in your blog; leave a comment somewhere on  fashion_piranha  with a link so I know that you did.

5. Mention this contest on some other public place - a forum, your website, whatever!  Again, just leave me a link so I know where you did.

6. Add a link to your blog roll / links page / whatever you call it to Fashionista Piranha!

7. Sign up for the Fashionista Piranha Book Blog mailing list by sending a blank e-mail to

8. If you're on Livejournal, get another entry by friending fashion_piranha If you're already my friend, then you'll automatically get the entry when you comment here so don't worry about un-friending and then re-friending the journal.  :-p

Good luck everyone!

contest, raymond l. atkins

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