Review: From Fasting to Feasting by Joe Bobker

Dec 29, 2008 19:14

From Fasting to Feasting: A Unique Journey Through the Jewish Holidays

by Joe Bobker

I wanted to try to get this book posted before Hanukkah - properly spelled Chanuka according to Mr. Bobker - but what with this that and the other thing, it didn't make it quite in time. I don't know much about the Jewish holy days, but I have been trying to learn more about Judaism and its traditions. After all, Jesus was a Jew, and Judaism is the root of Christianity. So when I read the description of From Fasting to Feasting, I thought it would be a perfect tool to help me understand just how the obscure-sounding festivals described in the Old Testament were celebrated, then and now.

I wasn't necessarily expecting a 'For Dummies' sort of book . I've already read The Complete Idiot's Guide to Judaism and was looking to take the next step. I figured From Fasting to Feasting would be a basic, entry-level book to Jewish holidays...what they are, why they're celebrated, popular traditions, etc... Maybe there'd be a recipe for hamentashens or latkes.

This was not the case.

From Fasting to Feasting dove right into the thick of things, discussing the nit-picky details of celebrating holidays. It is not an introductory course at all...the book is written for an intermediate level, for Jews and those with extensive previous knowledge of the faith. Bobker writes with humor and knowledge, but it was a level beyond my comprehension and experience. So I cannot fairly evaluate this book, except to say that if you're a Gentile looking for a basic book to introduce you to the holidays of Judaism, From Fasting to Feasting isn't it.

To read more about From Fasting to Feasting: A Unique Journey Through the Jewish Holidays, buy a copy or add it to your wishlist, click here.

***, history, r2008, non-fiction, jewish holidays, judaism, 2008, joe bobker

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