Happy Fourth of July!

Jul 04, 2015 17:16

Happy Independence Day to my American readers!
I picked this photo because if I could, I'd be there, at Donner Lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Their 4th of July fireworks show is stunning. When I saw them, we were sitting high on a ridge overlooking Donner Lake. The fireworks are shot up from the lake, so the fireworks were not above us, but directly in front of us. We could also see the reflections of the fireworks on the surface of the water. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life, and no other fireworks have ever come close.

Whether you're enjoying a movie, a fireworks show, BBQ, or some alone time with a favorite book, I hope your 4th of July is fun!

Peeking into the archives...today in:
2014: World Book Night to Suspend Operations
2013: Happy Fourth of July!
2012: Wall Street Journal: Your E-Book Is Reading You
2011: Fashionista Piranha will be on hiatus for a while…
2010: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
2009: Reading Challenge: The Newbery Medal
2008: I, robot by Howard S. Smith

america, united states, american revolution

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