Who wants to win a copy of Philippa Gregory's "The Lady of the Rivers"?

Apr 03, 2012 13:24

The Lady of the Rivers Book Giveaway

Reviewed on Fashionista Piranha in December 2011
See also Author Event: Philippa Gregory & The Lady of the Rivers, October 2011

To celebrate the release of Philippa Gregory's The Lady of the Rivers - the new paperback edition hits bookstore shelves today - the publisher has kindly allowed me to give away two copies of the book to my readers!  If you've not yet investigated Gregory's Cousins' War series, The Lady of the Rivers is a great place to start.  While it's the third book in the series, the story is chronologically the earliest, so you can read it without spoiling the rest of the books!  And if you've already read the first two books in the series...well, what are you waiting for?

There will be two winners, who will each receive a paperback copy of The Lady of the Rivers.  The giveaway is open to residents of the United States and Canada - but to make up for this, my next giveaway will be open to international readers, too!


There are a variety of ways to enter, and you can get multiple entries for yourself, too!

1. Leave a comment in this entry, but make sure I have a way to contact you!  (If you leave an email address, please use one that you check regularly.  If you're on LJ and don't leave an email, I'll just contact you through the LJ Messaging system.)

2. Go back to my old reviews and comment on them.  Each comment (one per entry) will get you another entry in the drawing.

3. Comment on future reviews as they come out - I update Tuesday, Thursday and at least once on the weekends.

4. Mention this contest in your blog; leave a comment somewhere on 
fashion_piranha  with a link so I know that you did.

5. Mention this contest on some other public place - Twitter, Facebook, a forum, your website, whatever!  Again, just leave me a link so I know where you did.

6. Add a link to your blog roll / links page / whatever you call it to Fashionista Piranha!

7. If you're on Livejournal, get another entry by friending
fashion_piranha If you're already my friend, then you'll automatically get the entry when you comment here so don't worry about un-friending and then re-friending the journal.  :-p

I'll be randomly picking winners on April 15th, 2012.  Good luck, everyone!!!

philippa gregory, contest

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