
May 04, 2005 17:19

okay, i haven't updated since like...last week? idk ohh well. i just haven't updated in a while but i'm tryin duudes, so bear with me. kay?? well. i got a new icon. i love it. and they also have a shirt like that and i want it. so maybe in the summer. anyhoo. i've just been here siick all day lonng. i sneeze like 6 times in a row. and i'm like exxtreemely congested. i also don't know what to do for my CNC PROGRAM! lol. it's hard to plot all the points. i'm thinkin of "hugs not drugs" or "i <3 napoleon" or maybe a liger, but it's gonna be hard and we only have like a few days. but none the less, this is what my day consisted of.

9:30-ish ~ wake up, do the bed take a shower and get dressed
10:00-ish ~ eat a taco from taco ole and watch "attack of the giant baby"
1-ish ~ go to eat w/ the parentals :D
2-ish ~ came home took a nap and then watched trl
5:24 - now i'm here telling u worthless junk about my life.

that's pretty much how my day has been. i haven't done much. just mostly moping around like a retard just because i'm siick. i hate it. i hate it. i'm not even that sick. i just didn't want to go to school, but i was sick. my mom brought me the besst oatmeal cookie i've ever eaten from starbucks. it was soo good! yummm. anyhoo. i guess i'd better let ya'll go. byee. i'll update tomorrow. fo' sho'

<333 victoria
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