Jan 31, 2013 23:57

It might just sound ridiculous to people who have been working in the industry for long time but there are still many people out there who have either just started their fashion  blog now or not even started but pretend to be bloggers. For professionals and even popular bloggers themselves it's pretty obvious the that trend is going down and it will only take couple more years before the blogs are over. There will be something new, If you haven't got your spot by now, sorry, but it's too late to step forward.

There are dozens of girls from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and some other post-soviet countries who have just recently decided to become bloggers. Unfortunately neither daddy's money or bunch of expensive clothes can make you a popular blogger, opinion maker or trendsetter. You can only become an it-girl who sometimes looks interesting and fresh (obviously most of the street style looks these days are too obvious, too boring in their colour blocking theme and just remind of one another), but nothing more. Is there a point to call yourself a blogger? Isn't it easier to be honest with yourself and admit that you simply want to show-off and become popular for doing nothing but dressing up? Or it's so not clear that to be a blogger you should have an opinion , content and some feedback you give to the audience even if this feedback is a photo roll? Turns out it's not. Today there is not much difference between a blogger and a girl who dresses up five times a day

All those who dream to become another Mira Duma or Elena Perminova because they have few thousands followers on Instagram can really forget about that. There will be no new street style queens. And by the way even if you do have thousands of followers on Instagram doesn't mean that anyone cares what you think or counts on you. To even reach close to a success you should take stairs, no elevator will allow you to be successful in the fashion industry. One should be smart enough to understand pictures in the blogs don't really mean you are successful

Some people think that Russian top street style dolls have recently appeared out of nowhere and in a moment have become street style icons and opinion makers. It will be so not true to say that. I think we all remember the times when Miroslava attended events with a huge Birkin bag and a belted sweater... Before Duma or Perminova have become what they are now they've spent more than 5 years working on their image, connections in the industry and so on. You will not be able to repeat that, not because your family isn't rich enough, but because nobody will care about street style or it-girls influence. At least not so much as they do now. The days are counting down, so you're either Mira Duma now or never!!!!

When all these girls will fade away with their so-called blogs, only ones who already have the spot  will still be here. Very few bloggers with opinions given in a text form and also very few former street style icons, we still don't how they will call current fashionistas tomorrow, will stay on the scene. Now you can even buy yourself a spot in a front row but nobody really cares. Today you are the one who gets that, tomorrow there will be someone else. We all know you have to be someone like Suzy Menkes to keep this spot for your lifetime and in this case no rich father or husband is required


photo: Style.com, Styledumonde.com

знаменитости, icons, Париж, Москва, Милан, luxury, интернет, ulyana sergeenko, trends

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