what the heck is certain anymore? i have always struggled with the fact that i have so many intrests... and choosing one career. i would love to be a vet, but it is so damn hard to get into vet school. vet techs make nearly nothing and work so hard; plus we all know i can't stand constantly taking orders, and sure as hell couldnt do that for a career. teaching- i cant explain anything except literature, grammar, and maybe biology. and i have about the patience of a four year old. and i am only nuturing with animals.
which brings me back to the vet thing. can i do it? can i go through so much more school and devote my entire life to one thing? vets dont make that much, and school is so expensive. i want to be an authority. i want to write articles, educate owners about what they can do for their animals. i love learning about animals. but do i have it? can i make it? i want to do it so badly, but self doubt is setting in.
i barely doubted myself until the interview i had a week and a half ago, when who would be my supervisor said that she applied to vet school and didnt get in. then she went on to say that there are certifications you can get and you get to work with animals there. now, i did my research before i went into my interview... and she has a similar background. what if i work my ass off and still don't get in? what if i sacrifice everything and still fail? vet school is harder to get into than medical school, and with the current trend of more people owning pets, i would imagine more would want to become vets. plus i'm getting old. i am 24. i need a lot of animal experience to make up for the time i've lost. i need about two more years to take the classes i didnt take in college to even be considered. i need to get a 4.0. and with my lack of skill in math and chemistry, i might need to retake some things. i cant really work, go to school and volunteer to get my animal experience and not have one of those things suffer.
and then i need to take the GRE or the MCAT. now, i might need to take a few months off to study. i probably should... i need a near perfect score. so then we're about 2 1/2 years from now, if i started school tomorrow.
i would have already applied... so hypothetically i would go in the fall. i would have four years of vet school... and i am THIRTY before i start my life. i can't imagine being thirty, it seems so old. i wish this was easy.
now that i have my fears down on electronic paper, i feel better. writing is so therapeutic.
why do i have to make things so difficult?