Feedback link : new to fash_sprees but i've held private sprees before (:
Accepting everything! :D
(except for daily21 specials)
Terms & Conditions:
1. All updates will be done by email; so please make sure you type in the correct one!
2. Please post order and payment details in one comment.
3. Please delete and do a repost should you change your orders
4. Please copy, paste and use the order fomat as provided to facilitate ordering
5. Accepting ATM transfers but please post payment and order in 1 comment
6. No interbank transfers allowed
7. I will not be held responsible for wrong / damaged items shipped from merchant (but i will ensure that i make the right orders :) )
8. I reserve the right to cancel the spree due to poor response / if my item(s) goes OOS . Refunds will be made, definitely!
9. Items shipped from merchant do not come with plastic bags so I will not be providing them as well. I will do my part in ensuring that the parcel is well wrapped. Please refrain from purchasing light coloured tops if you're uncomfortable with this.
10. Items will only be held for at most 2 weeks, so please do topups on time, otherwise i will confiscate the items.
11. I will not be responsible for items lost in transition (merchant to me AND/OR me - you)
Feel free to drop me an email should you have any queries :)
Please join the spree only if you're comfortable with the terms and conditions :)
Happy spree-ing!
Website: Capped at:
220 USD / 20 items (whichever comes first)
Accepting everything except for daily21 specials!
Exchange Rate:
1 USD = 1.44 SGD
Shortage will be collected at the end of spree should ER rises
Delivery Mode:
International Shipping! :)
Flat rate of USD 35
to be divided by cost of items
should take about 2-4 weeks to complete!
Shipping details:
Forever21 - Me - You
Mode of distribution:
Normal / Registered postage only
will be done via email;
so please make sure that your email address is correct!
Contact me:
Payment details:
1st: Payment for items and initial shipping fee ($2 per item)
2nd: Top-up for shipping fees and(or) exchange rate, postage, handling fee
Any excess made during 1st payment will be carried forward to 2nd payment to cover postage fees etc.
Refunds will also be made towards the end of spree
Please round up all final figures!
Example: $15.338 = $15.34
Payment Mode:
POSB Savings 228256757
ibanking (please use your lj nick!)
ATM (allowed but please do post payment and order in 1 comment!)
Not doing interbank transfers!
Order Format & Payment Details:
Name / LJ nick:
Account Type / No. : (in case of refunds)
Item #1
Item Name:
Item URL:
Price in USD:
Alt if OOS:
Total number of items:
Total in USD:
Total in SGD: (total in USD) x 1.44 + ($2 x total number of items) = $_____
Payment details
Amount transferred:
Reference number:
Ibank nick:
Amount transferred:
Reference number:
Location & time: