Aug 09, 2004 19:00
Perhaps longer..
Who knows my ethereal little chickpea... lets run into glass.. wee.. boink.. ahh boink... was there ever such a word invented that conveys such... erm... boinky-ness.. bah i guess not.. ye of noble thighs..
Hmm.. assjuice...
wow, it just keeps on going round and round... DiD You KnOW THaT I uSEd To TyPE LikE ThIS aLL the TimE.. BuT iT HuRTs AftER AwHIlE... My NoSe BlEeDs And I Get CroNIc AntFarm SyNDroME.. And My AnuS iS bLeEdIng...
I SwEar onE DAy.. no no wait... I'll stop that now... I swear one day I'm just going to WUIT ... cough cough.. .erm.. QUIT.. this lg thing unless i FEEL THE LOVE!.. GIMME... GIMME!!!... BIG FLESHY PORTIONS OF LOVE!!!...
I had the best idea to..erm... day.. yeah that's right. I was onboard a monkey box, waiting to leap off at the next horizontal concrete table... when i was surrounded by Neanderthals.. who also, wanted off the metal box. Well, dear reader... i wasn't going to give up my position behind the shiny see through walk through bit of the shiny box for any pound of shit.. not even if it was 3 farthings for a lump of shit!... and so, i closed my eyes and willed.. yes dear reader.. i used my MIGHTY BRAIN MEATS!!!... and Lo-and-behold... hundreds of whippy,metal thingy cords flew out of my backpack and cut the monkeys in twain....and slopped them into tiny itty bitty bits. oh the joy... the rapture... i slipped and fell on my arse... but then my cracks did open.. ( ahem... eye people... out of the gutter please ).. and bugger.. they upright shit buckets where still standing... sigh.. i said.. day gadget... one day...
people must FLOCK to me.. ..
Gub GUb wills it.. and he's laid eggs in my brain..
Fun Eh?