I clearly do not understand UK law (though I know the prisons are full).
When chappies decided to staple each others' genitals & film that for laffs,
way before YouTube was a sparkle in a geek's eye, courts decided that Judge
Rant (this is not a joke) was right in his ruling that giving consent to be
harmed was as unlawful as perpetrating that harm. The permitted exceptions
are listed on the SpannerTrust website, & include piercings & tattoos for
anyone classing them as merely decorative and not injurious ;-)
i.e. no stapling, lads.
http://www.spannertrust.org/documents/spannerhistory.asp#thelawofassault Most of the people on my f-list are au fait with Spanner, but this is new:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article2910405.ece There's never much to do in Plymouth, but consenting to have someone stick
a brick under your leg and jump on it, to claim damages allegedly caused by
a plummeting wall? Any notionally conscious forensic examiner would wonder
what had braced the leg during the fracture to cause that particular snap.
Fair enough, smart people would claim "I dropped my library book as the wall
fell", but this couple were so monumentally dumb that boyf filmed girlf as
he jumped on her. So far, so nasty. Why in Hades wasn't the injured party in
court to answer charges of consent to assault + fraud? Now where's that
"Ew, breeders" icon I stole & stuck on a USB stick (nice blue background)?