Feb 12, 2014 16:32
I didn't destroy the wall! Or walls, as is becoming more obvious. Mum found that an upstairs neighbour's hot water service is doing an impression of a river. Considering how it is running down over my hot water thing, and the puddle down here, up there should in a terrible state. Except for the whole down lower thing. Also, my neighbour (on this floor) has similar problems, with the smell and the dampness, and well, I have a better shower than her, because what she described sounded horrible. I'm not sure what this means in terms of fixing it, though. This sounds like a much bigger problem than fixing a leaking toilet, even if that toilet was making walls bad. If nothing else, there needs to be talk between agents and owners and all that body corporate crap. On the other hand, I didn't cause it, even through neglect. But how much can they do to fix 'my walls are wet and smell' other than time? But most of those repairs do not need to involve me talking to estate agents and plumbers and, well, people! Because most of those repairs are in other flats. But, does this mean they still aren't going to fix my toilet? It has been six months, come on. (Actually, I believe they told Mum that it had been approved and they were waiting for me, but that is not the point?)