(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 21:28


~I finished the BBC "Life on Mars" and spent most of the finale keening into my fists.  So good.  I love you, John Simm.

~I tried to watch The Proposal and failed.  I'd heard so many good things but I was bored out of my effing mind.  Not one chuckle in the first half hour and the actors all seemed to be thinking about what they were going to do after work.

~I watched a British comedy called "Starter for 10" that was quite cute.  It was mainly focused on James McAvoy, who I think is creepy.  But Benedict Cumberbatch stole the show in his few scenes.  As did Catherine Tate.

I read "The Hunger Games" which was UH-MAY-ZING.  The writing itself is good but not just extraordinary.  It's mostly the content and readability.  That is what teenage girls (and boys) need to be reading.  Not crappily written books about stupid, stupid girls who think older guys who stalk them are not only acceptable but ideal.  Anyway, I need to read the next two.

~My roommate is officially engaged!  I pretend to care about wedding crap and she pretends to care about Prague.  It works.

~On Friday I went to an art gallery reception where everyone was annoying.

~On Saturday I went to another art gallery reception and dinner where everyone was cool.

~There was free booze at both.

~I'm going to work out more and eat better.  I was doing pretty good before the first couple weeks of school rolled around and sucked all the life out of me.

~I can say "Hello, good morning, good night, how are you, my name is Mary, I am from the United States, I don't understand, I don't speak Czech, Do you speak English?, what?, who?, why?, when?, Where is..., left, right, Help!, Stop!, Mr., Mrs., Miss, today, yesterday, tomorrow, big, little, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."  in Czech.

~I need to learn more.

rambling, books, prague, television, real life, movies

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