
Jul 18, 2010 12:49

I'll start by saying that I was no fan of The Dark Knight.  I thought it was incredibly overratted due to Ledger's untimely death and that it was boring and melodramatic and went on and on and on.  Then again, I just don't really like Batman.  So while I thought this looked cool I didn't go in with big "OMG Chris Nolan!"  expectations.  I did really like this though. But only in a viewing experience in the moment kind of way.  When I think about it I focus on the things that annoyed me more than the things I liked.

The visuals are pretty stunning, almost artistic a lot of the time.  Very cool and modern sets for the dream places.  I really loved the scene with Joseph Gordon Levitt in the hallways.  Time is slowed down as he's asleep so as his body is falling he's suspended in the dream world and he's fighting people while floating around and it was really badass.  Good action and use of slow-motion all around.

The thing about it that bothered me the most was that it could have been called "Exposition".  Every single thing that happens has to be explained to you by the characters.  Ellen Page's part is mostly there so we learn things as she learns them.  It's not just there to set up the concept or move something along in the middle, they do it the entire time.  Got old quick.

The cast was all really good but I didn't really connect to or care about any of them.  No background whatsoever on any of the character besides Leo's part.  We don't know why Levitt's qualified to do this job or how he go into it, don't know why Page is such a smart and talented architect student, she just is.  I think that's what bothers me about Chris Nolan, he just expects you to swallow this stuff down with a spoonful of special effects and takes the audience for granted.

Concerning the entire plot and concept of the movie; it's interesting, it's inspired, it's something everybody thinks about because everybody dreams.  But the technology to share dreams and manipulate what goes on in them is something so out there that needs a little more explanation than a fancy machine in a suitcase.  And gets none.  I'm not that easy, Nolan, explain something geez.  I could suspend my disbelief to buy the first level of going under into the dream, but the levels of dreams within in dreams kind of backfired to me.  Even though I did really like the "kick" into consciousness sequence.

The reason they get into all of this was kind of lame.  I couldn't figure out why what they're doing is important.   I don't even remember why Rich Asian Guy wanted to split up the big corporation.  It didn't seem evil or anything, just a young man inheriting his father's empire and getting through his daddy issues.  They almost lost their lives over that?

I'm a Hans Zimmer fan and the score was effective but it wasn't fun and essential like in Pirates or Holmes.

So yeah, it was good but I didn't really buy into it or want to watch it multiple times.  Mostly a fun watch, especially with an audience that gave a collective groan at the end.  ;)

I did LOVE the trailer for "Due Date".  Everyone in the theater was howling.  I mostly can't wait to see RDJ play the straight man.


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