My LJ tells the truth about my year 2009; write down the first sentence of the first post for each month.
January: "So I can't get the internet to work on my laptop here at the parent's house."
February: "Squee!"
March: "So I was watching Dogma and kept tying its many awesome quotes to Supernatural."
April: "So I really hate meta."
May: " I still like the idea of terminal illness Ethan, or shooting up in a back alley Jacob, but sweet faithful self sacrificing Jimmy was awesome."
June: "I feel kind of decieved by Ferris Bueler's Day Off."
July: "Happy 4th of July!"
August: "Meme from
faninohio "
September: "Yays, I has them."
October: "No, I have friends who are Conservative Christian Right Wing Republicans and I have friends who are Vegan Liberal Obama Loving Hippies."
November: "So the other day I made a cool background on which to do some cool fanarts, but I can't find said cool background in the mess of my room."
December: "I had a fun, relaxing, relatively productive weekend."