I don't know. It was good. It still has the same feel character and film-wise but it's just not the same Show, y'know?
This whole characters growing up and graduating is what worried me in the first place. How many years can it go on and still have some of the same original people? I've given up trying to remember who is in which grade at this point. And while the school split is interesting and kind of realistic, I'm trying to figure out where all of these rougher kids came from. Since when does Dillon have that much of a ghetto? Eh well. Poor Coach. Poor Tami. It's kind of sad how Dillion High is the cocky, douchy, rich school now. It's also pretty amazing how quickly I went from being a Panther to a Lion.
I totally teared up when Landry did the "can't lose" during Coach's speech. And yeah, I even cried a little when "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" played with the team all beat up and Coach forfeiting. That's one of my favorite hymns, damn it.
Man, I used to like JD, mostly in a feeling sorry for him way, but now I just want to kick him in the face. And so does Matt apparently. Oh Matt. "What kind of art are you interested in?" "I don't know. The kind that I do?". Oh sad, wonderful, epic Hee! I have first hand experience with annoying art teachers. And Grandma Saracen continues to be amazing. "Landry, quit throwing the ball, you look like a girl. You're just a funny looking creature there."
Oh, Tim Riggins. Why is he still on this show? I can't stand him. And really? The teacher's voice over is talking about the Heroes Journey whilst we first see him? TIM RIGGINS IS A USELESS SKEEVY DOUCHEBAG! Of all the original characters, why do people like him enough to keep him around? Where's good, noble, brave Jason Street? Georgous, firery, Tyra? Cocky, vibrant, Smash? I weep.
But anyway. Yay for FNL being back!