Jen, I hope you'll have a great day (there's a few hours left!) and a great rest-of-the-year too! *CHU* <3 <3
It's been a while since I made an entry, gosh. Work has been insane, but starting next week I will have two weeks off, hooray! I will write more regularly then, I do miss you lot something awful XD
I haven't even had any time to look at the pictures that Mum and I took while we were in Perth properly. I've been wanting to put them up, particularly the grad night ones on Facebook, but a zillion things came up -- I plan to do that next week.
Anyway, I shall make a proper entry soon, I'm off to bed. I've been feeling exhausted lately. Dr Anddy said that it's normal because I manage through the day (starts at 6am) using my manic energy so when I get home around 6pm I'm completely drained and I'm in bed by 7pm. But despite the crazy workload and an insane demanding boss, my colleague Ariana has been really awesome. She's been on the job longer than I have, so she's a huge help. She's a post-graduate student, returned from the UK last year, did Politics. Like me, she hasn't been given our promised government post yet so she's killing time and going nuts being a Research Assistant at the national university, which is what I'm doing too. ^^;
Right, bed, bye-bye! x