May 22, 2010 15:44
Listening to GLAY. Because Teru's voice does something to me that no other singer can do to me. *happy sigh* Nothing dirty mind you, he's just got this... thing...
I was listening to the Pure Soul album on Thursday, and soon enough pure soul came up. I went to the lyrics bit in my iPod (my anally-retentive self actually puts lyrics in the song file, as well as the translation, if need be) . I read it as I listen to Teru sing, and then at this point:
愛は愛のままじゃいられず いつか形を変えるだろう
共に生きる家族 恋人よ 僕はうまく愛せているのだろうか
よくできた解答の果てに 悩みぬく世の中はなぜ?
平凡で手アカのついた言葉でも 愛してると伝えてほしい
(Love will change shape sometime, not being able to stay love.
Do I love who I live with--my family and my lover--well enough?
Why does the world worry behind a well written answer?
Even if it's an ordinary and overused phrase, I still want you to tell me..that you love me.)*
As soon as I got off the bus, I started to sob. The way he sang it, with so much passion, with so much feeling, how can anyone not be touched by this beautiful piece of work? There are smiles and tears portrayed to his voice, laughter and discontent, and disappointment -- so much, it becomes overwhelming. Too much. The singer bares his soul to us, allaying with us his fears and sharing with us his dreams... And the beat of this song, so catchy and upbeat hides the fact that this song is not as simple as it sounds... Takuro has one a wonderful job composing this song... I am ashamed because I am so sensitive...
I have no more words to say. It's raining outside and it's affecting my mood. I'm neither sad nor happy.
*I found the translation on the net somewhere years and years ago.