Super all-star geek weekend!

Jun 02, 2007 23:20

So it's the first Friday of the month and that means boardgaming in Featherston on Friday followed closely by Amercian Civil War Shit for Real Men in Khandallah on Saturday! I lost the only board game we played, but it had fabulous mechanics for determining battle outcomes. you throw all the armies (represented by little cubes) into a tower and see what comes out. I lost terrbily but am eager to play again. It's called "Shogun" and i think it's by Queens Games.

The civil war match was a tie but slightly in my favor. I was fighting against Lee, Jackson AND Stewart in a dense forest which meant my main advantage, artillery, was negated. I'm happy with the outcome.

This weekend is also Conspiricy II here in Wellington and I just got back from a THREE hour dinner with Eric Flint and his wife and Dave Freer and his wife (from South Africa.) Freer and Flint write together a lot and Freer of course has been writing SF for years, most notalby lately the 1642 series where a section of West Virginia is sent to germany during Gustavus Adolphus's reign.

Super geek action! Huzzah! Very nice people all around and Freer and his wife are the cutest couple. Still two days of the Con left!!
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